3 Reasons Why You Should Not Take the TEFL Course Online
When looking for a TEFL certificate program, you may be surprised to find a TEFL course online at very low rates. Why are these programs much cheaper than in-class courses? Because they can’t offer the same kind of certification and preparedness to teach English as a foreign language.
Even though they cost less, a TEFL course online may also hinder your employability and money-making potential in the long term. These courses don’t build the strong foundation of skills you need for a strong, lucrative career teaching English.
Here are the 3 main benefits of choosing an in-person TEFL program:
1. A TEFL course online doesn’t require enough hours
Any reputable TEFL training should be intensive to adequately prepare future teachers. Be wary of online TEFL certificate classes that claim to be quick and easy; instead, spend more money and make sure you are ready to be an instructor.
2. A TEFL course online doesn’t provide you with the feedback from an expert
Taking a rigorous, in-class TEFL certification course involves spending a lot of classroom time with an experienced teacher. A qualified instructor can give you advice on teaching and planning lessons that a TEFL course online simply cannot offer.
3. A TEFL course online doesn’t offer hands-on experience
Employers don’t just want someone with an English teaching certificate—they’re looking for proof that you have previous experience with actual students. Accredited TEFL qualification programs typically involve a practicum component, with several hours of observed teaching practice.
It’s easy to be tempted by a cheap TEFL training program, but attending in-class sessions will prepare you much better to teach English as a second or foreign language. Not only will it make you more attractive to employers; it will also give you the confidence needed to feel comfortable in the classroom.
Get the necessary, in person training to become a professional ESL teacher! Register now for our upcoming part-time or full time TEFL Certificate Program!
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