
English For Construction Workers – Before Disaster Strikes

English for construction workers is a powerful tool for company owners. Because the construction industry is one of the largest employers of ESL employees (those who speak English as a Second Language). It also is among the top industries with the most work-related accidents. So what are construction companies doing to avoid these accidents? Well, for starters there are mandatory OSHA trainings, certifications and safety trainings that help minimize accidents at work. But can employers take any steps beyond what is required, to prepare for disaster relief projects?
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Corporate Language Classes: Concurrent Spanish and English

Corporate language classes can be customized to suit your individual business needs. By allowing your business leaders and decision makers to customize our curriculum, we ensure that you will see more improvement than you would with traditional corporate language classes. Many of which cannot be customized. Our approach centers your actual employees, who will begin at different levels of understanding, and learn at different paces. All the while, remaining focused on your specific business objectives. Customize our business language courses to suit your specific industry, or tailored to your employees specific role in your company. For example, our curriculum can be modified to highlight specific professional skills like business writing or public speaking. We have talked a lot of those customizations, but do you know about concurrent language courses?
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FREE Customized Employee English Course For Businesses In NJ

A customized employee English course is a worthwhile investment for any industry. Whether your business operates in blue collar industries like agriculture or manufacturing - or in white collar industries like finance - we have real solutions, for real people. Our corporate language training programs offer English training that is tailored to your actual business needs. Why? Because we understand that learning is not a one-size-fits-all experience. You might have several ESL employees at a beginners level and five at an advanced level. Or maybe some associates need to improve their business writing skills. Whatever your specific business objectives are, whatever your individual goals are for each associate... our customized language training works for real people. And the best part is it could be free if your business qualifies!
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Corporate Language Training & Customized ESL For Farmers

Corporate language training classes may not come to mind when you first think of onboarding employees... but they should! Whether you are a business owner or decision maker, our corporate English training programs can be tailored to fit all of your requirements. For instance, worker English training for farmers could be utilized to teach ESL workers (who speak English as a Second Language) how to operate farm equipment safely. Whereas other online ESL courses might need to be customized to train farmers market employees in customer service. That's the great thing about customized ESL - it can be anything your company and employees need it to be. Our expert instructors have real life expertise required to get your ESL employees where you need them to be. Because our online language training courses are people centered, and business focused. By centering your real employees in our approach, we ensure that the curriculum is delivered at their level of understanding, and continues at their pace. Why? Because true understanding takes time and patience. All this is going on while remaining focused on your individual business objectives. A corporate English course should never be a "one-size-fits-all" curriculea. Here's 3 ways farmers are customizing theirs...
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Corporate Language Training Takes Businesses To A New Level

Corporate language training is a tool that more businesses should utilize, regardless of industry. Especially since most businesses face communication-based problems, you would expect corporate English training to be more common. In the literal sense, these "communication-based problems" can refer to anything from business writing for ESL associates, to improving pronunciation and speaking skills and everything in between. Because these are the ways in which we actually reading, writing, and speaking. Other communication-based problems in the workplace center around misinterpretations of wording, or there could even be an underlying, interpersonal issue such as cultural competence that needs to be resolved for effective communication to ensue.
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How To Get FREE English Training For Work In CA

English training for work benefits your company, your customers and your employees enrolled in the course. So if you don't know how to do it yourself, and you don't have to spend company time or money on it... why not take the opportunity?! If everyone can get what they want, and it's mutually beneficial for everyone, the only down side is that you didn't discover this sooner. And we understand you might be wary, because "nothing in life is ever free." Which still remains true. The training itself isn't free, it's just that you aren't using company budget to pay for it. Let us explain.
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Associate English Training Could Be Free For IL Businesses

Associate English training is a fantastic opportunity for your employees, and your business! And if your business is located in Illinois (IL) state, it could even be free. And by "free" we mean your company wouldn't have to pay for it. Like everything in life, the training comes with a cost, but you could use publicly available funding to finance it. How's that for business savvy?!
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3 Kinds Of English Training Courses & What Makes Ours Unique

English training courses aren't a one-size-fits-all experience. In fact, it can be a very different experience for each student. Some bilingual adults are seeking to become medical interpreters whereas others want translation and localization training. Whatever your reasons or desired outcomes are, there's a lot of different choices for students to make when it comes to interpreter school. Selecting a program, and choosing a professional interpreter field and how you want to apply your certification is usually the second step in the process. The first is deciding where you are going to receive your training from. So how do you decide where to go for interpreter training anyways? What makes one "better" than another? 
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3 Advantages Of Live-Stream Remote English Training

Remote English training might seem like it's all the same regardless of where you go. How different can one course be when compared against all the others? As it turns out, quite a lot can be unique. When you think about online English training, you might think of companies like DuoLingo or Rosetta Stone. And while these companies are popular for a reason, business owners should have specific objectives in mind for their initiatives. So when it comes to selecting English courses for employees, it only makes sense then to choose the language training company that can exceed those specific expectations. Here's 3 ways our English training courses are unique, and 3 advantages of choosing us for all your language training requirements. Here's 3 ways our English training courses are unique, and 3 advantages of choosing us for all your language training requirements.
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ESL For Businesses Located In NY Could Be FREE

Providing ESL for businesses can open so many doors for your associates, and your company in general. For associates enrolled in English as a Second Language classes, they will be learn language skills they will use for the rest of their lives. Meanwhile your business will save money in the long run, and lower turnover rates. Over the years, countless studies have proven that employees are more likely to remain employed with companies that provide learning and development opportunities. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2023 report, the United States average annual turnover rate is 47% - where 20% is considered high. Additionally, over 4 million U.S employees leave their job each month, 70% of which is voluntary, and 1 in 3 of those who quit did not even have a job lined up. When the cost of replacing a singular employee ranges from .5 - 2 times their annual salary, businesses everywhere should be seriously considering any initiative that can improve employee satisfaction.
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Worker ESL Could Be FREE For Your PA Business!

Worker ESL (English as a Second Language) could be free for your business in PA (Pennsylvania). In PA, the leading sectors in terms of economic contributions are agriculture, manufacturing and the service industry. Of these industries, foreign born workers account for 70% (of all agricultural positions), 14% (of all manufacturing positions) and 21% (of all service industry positions). For companies in all industries, providing training to ESL employees is an ideal concept. With many even believing that to do so would be a detriment to their business. Even going as far to believe that the time and the cost of providing essential trainings for employee development is unrealistic. But what if we told you it didn't have to be that way? In fact, what if we told you that you didn't have to spend your company money or time to provide this training? Would you believe us? If you are a business owner, or decision maker in Pennsylvania and are looking for a way to provide cost effective worker training & development, we have solutions you may not have even considered yet.
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ESL Workforce & How Businesses Get FREE English Class In NH

Your ESL workforce - that speaks English as a Second Language- has a lot to offer. Bringing a wide range of skills, perspectives and new approaches; your ESL workforce is able to contribute much to your business that you may not realize. But what happens when you need them to improve their English proficiency? When training costs a lot of time, money & other resources, decision makers must face a choice. Does the cost of onboarding outweigh the cost of providing adequate training? The answers may vary, and we encourage you to continue reading and come to your own conclusion...
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Workforce ESL Class & Getting FREE Employee Training In MA

Workforce ESL class is a tool that company owners and leaders can use to teach employees how to speak English as a Second Language (ESL) or how to improve. Most language training companies out there only offer standard English training, that is self-taught through a book or pre-recorded videos. And that is fine, but it most likely won't provide the return on investment you are looking for. Which is a good thing, because we aren't most companies. We believe every company, every associate and every industry have different needs when it comes to online language training courses. Some may need ESL employees to improve their writing skills for their marketing jobs, while others require ESL for construction workers that focuses on safety trainings. By providing fully a fully customized language training experience, we remain focused on your business objectives while centering the needs of your associates enrolled in the course. Whether that is through our professional skills programs or a corporate ESL course that is industry specific or something else you require. The best part? You might be able to offer employee ESL without spending company money...
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English Language Training Grant For Companies

English language training for companies helps your employees reach their full potential. Whether you need them to improve their written English comprehension or public speaking, we can help your ESL employees (who speak English as a Second Language). With a fully customizable syllabus, our corporate English training programs ensure your businesses' needs are met. For example, industry specific courses like construction ESL focus on industry terminology and safety protocol that your ESL employees aren't familiar with but need to be. Our professional skills trainings can help your hotel staff improve specific aspects of the English language that they rely upon daily. Whether your ESL employees need to improve their business writing skills for proposals, understand industry terminology, or how to negotiate in English - we have more solutions than you might realize.
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Online Employee English Training For The Service Industry

Online employee English training is great for your customers, your business, and your employees. For one thing it is convenient. All you need is stable wifi and your employees can attend the same course from different states- and even different countries. But more than the convenience, it is completely customizable to your needs. What sets us apart is that we encourage company owners and decision makers to customize our curriculum. Your employees can learn industry vocabulary, technical terms, and improve upon different aspects of the English language that would be most beneficial to you and your company. Sound too good to be true? Here's some practical ways that the service industry has benefitted from our corporate English courses:
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English Training For Professionals? Here’s How We Can Help

English training for professionals is never a one size fits all. Just as there are many different learning styles, there are just as many reasons for companies to provide corporate English training. Investing in business language training is a forward thinking move for any company or decision maker. For one thing, it provides associates with transferrable skills they will utilize for the rest of their lives. For another, it improves communication resulting in a faster and more competent workforce. Customized language training recognizes that every adult worker who speaks English as a Second Language (ESL) learns differently. Some enter our classes with some prior knowledge of the English language, and some have never had any exposure. Additionally, different people learn at different paces. Our online English classes are different than the rest because we center the needs of your workers while remaining focused on your business objectives. Some business objectives for workforce English training might be to highlight safety trainings. Or maybe you need to ensure employee ESL teaches industry specific vocabulary that your workers wouldn't otherwise know. Here's some examples of how we can help your business...
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April Fools Day, Office Pranks & How To Keep Your Job

April fools day comes once a year...thankfully. There's something about April 1st and the end of winter that turns everyone into a comedian. But once the clock strikes midnight, we all go back to our normal selves. No one wants to be the dud in the office with no sense of humor. So we all spend time thinking about the pranks we can pull. But everyone wants to have a job on April 2nd and no one wants to have to speak to Linda from H.R about the pranks. So what do you do? Can you show a lighter side of your personality AND keep your job? As with any joke, it boils down to a simple equation: 50% content and 50% delivery. Everyone will laugh if you tell the joke correctly, and have a good punchline. But no one is going to laugh if your joke is offensive. Unless they're laughing because it's followed by an awkward silence, or they just can't believe you actually said that. So, here's 3 tips to keep in mind if you want to keep your job...
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English For Professionals: 3 Skills For The I.T Industry

English for professionals is a completely different experience than your standard ESL (English as a Second Language) classes. For one thing, our English classes for companies can be as specific as you need them to be. Our corporate English training puts decision makers and leaders in the drivers seat with our industry specific English courses. Tell us your goals, and let us evaluate your ESL employees current English proficiency. We will devise a course specific to your individual needs, and improve your employees English by the end of class.
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English Classes For IT Industry Employees

English classes for Information Technology (IT) employees are people centered, business focused. Meaning that whatever class you pick, will customize to meet your specific business needs, while centering your employees who are actually taking our online English courses. For example, if your employees need to improve pronunciation, we will customize our curriculum to meet your goals. But we do this in realistic ways - because we understand that learning a language is a very long process. Most language training companies provide general English training. After assessing your employees' individual English competencies and levels, we create a unique Employee ESL program with realistic goals for them to achieve. In fact, our English courses for companies can get as specific as you need them to be. Here's some examples of what we can provide:
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English Language Vs Gaelic For St. Patrick’s Day

The English language is certainly a difficult language to learn. But whether or not it's the most difficult to learn is a matter of interpretation. Simply because learning any language is a long and difficult process. You have to draw parallels between what you already know, and what you're trying to learn. On top of that, you need to understand the grammar rules so that you can understand, and be understood. You need to learn how to pronounce words correctly, how to read and write. It doesn't matter which language you are trying to learn - learning another language is a hard thing to do. Some people say that Gaelic is the hardest language to learn, and in honor of St. Patrick's Day, here's 3 reasons why learning Gaelic is so darn difficult...
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Worker English Training For Farmers & Agriculture Industry

Worker English training that is specific to your farming business might seem like a dream come true. But we can assure you, it's not. By allowing business owners and decision makers to customize our curriculum however you see fit we provide you with a product that will meet - or ideally- exceed, your expectations. Our English language training programs offer flexible language learning solutions to help your employees succeed and thrive. By tailoring our courses to your specific industry, our corporate language training is specific and delivers timely solutions to your individual needs. The farming and agriculture industries in particular have a revolving cycle of workers, who tend to work seasonal positions, while attracting migrant workers. With such a robust cycle of employment, hiring managers and farm owners need to have reliable communication. Especially when operating heavy machinery. Online English classes are specific, in that they teach what you need to be taught. We don't waste time teaching useless phrases and vocabulary that will never get applied in real life. Call us crazy, but we don't think that is the best use of time, effort or money. Instead, we meet with you to determine what your goals are. Then, we evaluate your employees who will actually be learning. It is only then that we create a customized English course specific to your industry and goals that are realistic for your employees. Online ESL courses like ours focus on the vocabulary you want and need to be taught. Here's some examples:
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Customized English Training For The Hospitality Industry

Customized English training is available for most major industries. Specifically talking about the hospitality industry, language training can be so beneficial for employees and corporations alike. For example, English courses for employees provide lifelong transferrable skills. For the employer, corporate English courses can improve communication, the overall working environment and productivity. Whether you own or manage a hotel, casino, or a transportation business- there are always things we can do to improve communication. Especially for the hospitality industry, that sees travelers from all corners of the world, communication is essential. You want to make sure your employees communicate with each other and your customers. You need to trust that they can thrive in any situation that presents itself. Working in the hospitality industry often means private events, coordinating tourist activities, and sharing information with guests in a meaningful way. And especially in this line of work, every new day is different than the one before. So you and your leadership team need to trust that your employees can communicate in any situation. When we say our online English classes are fully customizable we mean it. Maybe you have several employees who need to need to improve their pronunciation but you want the majority to improve their vocabulary for their reception desk positions. We are able to work with you to devise a corporate English language course that meets your specific business objectives in a realistic way for your employees to learn. English courses for companies can even focus on industry specific vocabulary! Here's some examples...
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English For The Construction Industry Is About Safety

English for the construction industry is about more than creating mutual understanding. Which is vitally important in any industry. The desire for understanding and to be understood is a basic human instinct, and there is no minimizing that. When we are talking specifically about the construction industry, English training is primarily about safety. According to the National Roofing Contractors Association (NRCA) - one of the U.S. construction industry's trade associations - immigrant workers account for nearly 25% of the entire construction workforce, and average 30% of all construction trades. Additionally, a 2019 report from the American Council on the Teaching of Foreign Languages (ACTFL) shows that the construction industry has the largest gap between skilled workers who speak English as a Second Language (ESL) and managers who can speak those languages. And the gap has been widening ever since. For those who own or manage a construction business, ensuring that your worksite and workers remain safe is a top priority. Making Rosetta Stone part of your onboarding experience can definitely help to reduce language barriers, but it doesn't necessarily always translate to the particulars of a day-to-day construction job... because they don't go far enough. That's where we come in.
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Laboratory Safety Starts With Communication

Laboratory safety refers to a lot of things. It can refer to the protocol for handling chemicals, operating heavy machinery and even communication. How we communicate with each other usually varies on the situation. But the primary goal is to relay a message, and ensure it was received in the manner intended. Certain things can make it more difficult to understand, especially in a working environment. As a business owner that works in a laboratory, your main objective is to ensure worker safety and many of them tend to have a goal to improve communication. But what if we told you that worker safety and communication aren't separate things? Here's how we can help...
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Employee English Class and Safety In Factories

Employee English class is as much about worker safety as it is about improving communication. Typically, blue collar manufacturing businesses tend to hire more ESL workers (who speak English as a Second Language). As a business owner, you have a responsibility to provide every worker with a safe working environment. Usually this means going over the safety trainings again, having proper signage throughout the workspace etc. Business owners and decision makers should be prepared to take additional steps to ensure worker safety. If an ESL employee is struggling with pronunciation, how can they communicate to the rest of their team? If they can't understand terminology needed for their job, how can you trust they can follow instruction? Especially in big factories, communication is as much about safety as any other protocol you are required to follow.
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Corporate ESL Courses Keep Hospitals Safe

Corporate ESL courses do a lot more than teach English. At least ours do- we can't speak for the other ones. You know, the pre-recorded. ones. And they all have a million videos that go too fast and too slow all at the same time. That's something that sets us apart from the competition. All of our remote courses are taught 100% LIVE ✅ through video-chat webinars. Meaning your employees receive all the convenience of remote learning, AND all the benefits of a traditional classroom experience. Why do we do this? Because we believe the best learning happens in real time✅; not through a book or on your own. As hospital owners and decision makers, ensuring the safety of your patients and workers is a top priority... At least we hope so. When it's time to think about workplace safety, we tend to think in terms of practicality. Surgeons wash their hands before procedures. Doctors wear masks and scrub in. We ensure all surfaces and tools are sterilized and prepared. There are procedures and protocols to follow for all of this... because ensuring safety is a priority. So then how are corporate ESL courses (that teach English as a Second Language) keeping hospitals safe as well?
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Language Classes For Employees & Safety In Landscaping

Language classes for employees don't have to start and end with traditional ESL (English as a Second Language). Giving you the freedom to customize our curriculum✅, we allow decision makers to create an online ESL course that actually works for you. There are so many good things that come from providing English courses for employees. But one of the biggest is peace of mind. As one of the most hazardous industries in the service sector, business owners and decision makers must consider the risks that come with the work. Contact with heavy machinery, exposure to the elements, electrical currents, slips or falls and working closely with hazardous materials come with the territory. In fact, landscaping is one of the most hazardous industries in the service sector. According to the 2020 census bureau report, an average of 197 landscapers die from job-related injuries each year. Per 100,000 workers, there are approximately 25 deaths compared to the 3.8 for all industries. So, when 1 in 3 landscaping employees in the United States are foreign born, those decision makers have a lot more to consider by way of employee safety.
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English Class For Companies & Evaluating For Bilingual Positions

English class for companies is a worthwhile investment to make prior to filling bilingual positions. Decision makers and leaders should know how to evaluate language skills properly, before hiring bilingual candidates. Especially when the job prefers bilingual candidates. This seems like a no-brainer, but how can you have assurance in a candidates language proficiency if the hiring manager isn't also bilingual? What if your business is expanding into new markets, and no one in your company is proficient in that target language?
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Employee English Courses Should Be Your Company Resolution

Employee English courses should never be one size fits all. Every employee learns at a different pace, and requires a different approach when learning new information. Some retain information better when it is demonstrated and others need to write something out or explain it themselves to achieve understanding. There is neither a "right way" nor a "wrong way" there are just differences, and they are all valid. So when decision makers and leaders sit down to formulate new goals for their employees, it is important to have a good understanding of how they each learn. Especially when creating goals and development plans, leaders need to take their employees capabilities into consideration. Making sure that goals are attainable and that they have clear methods of tracking progress is essential. So as we move through the new year, what kinds of language training goals can you set for employees?
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Language Courses, Cultural Diversity & Celebrating New Years

Language courses can help leaders and decision makers less apprehensive to address cultural diversity at work. Addressing cultural diversity in the office isn't a bad thing. Oftentimes, it's HOW that cultural diversity is addressed that causes issues. When you are working with multinational businesses, including diversity and inclusion training in your onboarding process is a great way to get ahead of problems before they happen. Every company in every industry- whether it's manufacturing or the hospitality industry or something else- can benefit from a corporate English language course.
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Online English Class For Resort & Casino Employees

Online English class for resort and casino employees is a wise investment for owners and decision makers. You probably already know that English is a universal language. And you most likely know that resorts and casinos attract people from around the globe. Especially in this post-Covid lockdown era, people are more anxious than ever to travel and it isn't hard to understand why. If we accept these statements as truth, it should be a requirement that your staff have some level of English comprehension. But how confident are you in your employees ability to speak and understand English in different situations?
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Our Online English Course Helps Employees Around The Holidays

When you choose us for corporate language classes, we evaluate each person and their level of understanding the English language. We then create a customized curriculum based on your business needs✅ and where you want them to be at the end of class, by creating realistic goals for them. For instance, if someone is in class and has zero previous exposure to the English language - it would be unrealistic to expect that person to write a college-level essay at the end of class. By setting goals that are realistic for your employees and your company, our English courses for companies will exceed expectations in a timely manner. Our language courses for companies are even customizable to your personal industry- like construction or manufacturing for example - where we are able to center the curriculum around your employees' real life jobs and skills. But how do our corporate language courses help them during the holiday season?
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3 Reasons A Corporate English Language Course For Hotel Staff Is Vital

A corporate English language course for hotel staff doesn't have to be a one-size-fits-all experience like many language training companies offer. On the contrary, we believe that learning English should be as unique as the people taking them. By allowing decision makers freedom to customize our curriculum, we teach your employees how to speak English by taking a people centered business focused approach to corporate English courses. We're sure you are reading this thinking "that sounds great, but what the heck does it mean?!" We understand that every person is different in how they process and understand new information. We also understand that every employee you enroll in corporate English classes is coming into class with different levels of English proficiency. Some of your associates could have absolutely zero exposure to learning English, and others might have taken some English courses at some point in high school but haven't used it since. Whatever your individual needs might be, we will work with you to develop English courses for employees that meet them at their individual levels, while catering to your specific business objectives. Workforce language training can truly be whatever you need it to be... this can look like online language courses that highlight safety trainings and protocol, or maybe you need online ESL courses that make a concerted emphasis on pronunciation for your bellhop and customer-facing staffs. Our expert instructors will work with you every step of the way, to ensure that your English courses for companies set up your employees to meet and exceed realistic goals in a timely manner. For companies that work in the hospitality industry like hotels and resorts, ensuring the best experience for your guests is a top priority.
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English Courses For Employees Aren’t Enough

English courses for employees aren't enough to become fluent in English- they are only the beginning. For ESL employees (those who speak English as a Second Language) becoming fluent in English as a Second Language (ESL) is a long process. Especially for someone with zero previous exposure to English, it is unreasonable for business leaders to expect fluency in English after only a few weeks of class. As with everything else business related, when considering English courses for companies it's important for decision makers to set goals that are within a reasonable achievement for employees; and this starts by developing goals with us that are based upon your employees current understanding of English before class even starts. Knowing where your employees are starting from, positions them to succeed and exceed expectations, while allowing us to deliver results in a timely manner. Companies that choose us to provide corporate language classes for their employees, understand that investing money in associates and their development is ultimately an investment in your company itself. When coworkers can understand each other, and communicate effectively the quality of their work increases, their confidence improves, they bring new ideas and creativity to projects, they become more efficient, reliable and their ability to meet and exceed expectations increase. These are just a few notable advantages that companies experience on their end. When you consider the benefits your customers or clients experience on their end- when they can communicate and receive what they were expecting to be delivered- decision makers have to ask themselves "can we afford the associated risks of NOT providing English training for companies?" You're probably asking yourself "If your online English courses are so great, why aren't they enough? I don't understand."
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Language Training And Its Positive Effect On Workplace Culture

Language training for companies doesn't have to be a "one-size fits all" experience, and we don't believe it should be, either. Offering decision makers a 100% customizable curriculum we can work with you to create an online English course for employees that is people centered, business focused. What do we mean by this? We will always center your people -the ones taking the course- by evaluating their current English comprehension levels, to deliver course material that is effective; which will produce timely and realistic improvements. While at the same time, remaining focused on your business goals and where you need your employees to be at the end of the course. Unlike your standard programs, our English courses for companies can be customized to fit your unique people and your unique needs. Maybe yours is a blue-collar construction business that needs to incorporate safety trainings into the English course, or perhaps it there is a white collar corporation that needs to provide diversity and inclusion trainings for associates traveling to overseas offices, or maybe you just need a few employees to really focus on pronunciation because their roles are customer facing. Whatever your current problems are, we have solutions that will work. When all of our courses are being taught by expert instructors  through instruction that is 100% LIVE through video conference technology  our approach to online learning is second to none.
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Online Corporate English Classes For The Agriculture Industry

Online corporate English classes are so beneficial for every company hiring workers who speak English as a Second Language (ESL) that they should honestly be obligatory. Aside from the clear barriers that a Limited English Proficiency (LEP) poses, like a decline in productivity and poor communication, it can also pose a very real threat to worker safety; which is often overlooked when business leaders and owners weigh the risks against rewards for offering corporate English classes to associates. Statistically, ESL workers are more likely to find employment in blue-collar industries like construction, agriculture and manufacturing that involve regularly operating heavy machinery, in loud and high-stress environments, and depending on the specific job can even demand technical work in collaboration with others. Business owners and decision makers are correct to hire ESL  workers- they bring a variety of skills and techniques that are an asset to American companies. But they are gambling with lives and health and threatening livelihoods by failing to incorporate online English courses into their onboarding programs. Corporations have a responsibility to their workforce and their loved ones to keep the workplace safe. And while some companies might get lucky, and never have an accident at work with their ESL workers... it only takes 1 time; 1 conversation where instructions were misunderstood. It is a gamble that business owners make- one way or another, whether conscious or not- when they opt out of corporate English courses for associates. Nothing is ever guaranteed in life, but being proactive with worker safety is a clear step towards minimizing risk. Here's some ways that online English classes can help businesses in the agricultural industry...
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Online Language Courses Can Teach Employees Listening Comprehension

Online language courses can be anything you need them to be. Whether it's teaching employee ESL (English as a Second Language) or a professional skill like listening comprehension, or a combination of both - our expert instructors  will work to find a people centered, business focused  solution that actually works. When you notice your employees struggling but don't know how to help- that's where we step in. By centering them in their journey to learn English, we are able to meet them where they are and develop their English language skills to an improved level that you need them to reach. With remote classes that are 100% LIVE our courses are convenient, yet personable and made possible through our video webinar technology  that isn't available with similar competitor classes. By offering business leaders and owners the freedom to customize our curriculum , we will work to evaluate your employees to improve their English communication skills so that their job performance and your business see a marked improvement in relation to realistic goals that we work to develop with you. Corporate English courses that emphasize professional skills trainings like listening comprehension, associate ESL for those struggling with pronunciation, or professional English grammar are just as common as industry specific English training that are centered around communicating for work in specific fields like manufacturing, construction and tech for example. With online language training for businesses the possibilities are truly endless regarding what we can do for you and your associates. One of the biggest challenges with English courses for companies is learning how to set and manage realistic expectations while addressing concerns, and improving communication skills. Here is an example how we can improve listening comprehension with associates...
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Online ESL Courses For Companies & Common Pronunciation Challenges

Online ESL (English as a Second Language) courses for companies provide an opportunity for your employees to learn English online in a manner is customized  to your objectives as a business owner or leader. Just everyone learns at their own pace, every decision maker has their own individual objectives for providing corporate English courses to employees. Whether you need English training for employees that is industry specific that emphasizes safety trainings for blue-collar workers, or you require accent reduction for a few ESL employees who work in sales, we can help find the solution that works for your employees and your leadership team. No two associates learn the same way, just as  no two corporate English training courses are exactly the same. Our expert instructors  will be able to provide your associates with a unique and engaging approach to English courses for companies, which will have your employees meeting goals that are realistic for their level, timely, and relevant to their everyday work throughout the course. But what do those goals look like when employees are noticeably struggling with pronunciation? What are some common pitfalls when it comes to Online ESL courses?
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Corporate English Training Courses & Common ESL Mistakes

Corporate English training courses are a valuable tool for leaders in the business world to have readily available. Especially for the companies that employ ESL workers (who speak English as a Second Language) knowing that corporate English training courses exist, and they serve to fulfill your business objectives is a relief for many businesses regardless of industry. By offering decision makers the ability to customize our curriculum our English courses for employees are truly people centered, business focused. In that,  English training will always center around your actual employees, their needs and learning pace; while remaining focused on your goals. For instance, maybe you own a construction business and you need your ESL employees to improve their English skills while emphasizing industry specific vocabulary, and highlighting safety trainings for their specific roles in your company. Or maybe you are a business owner in the agricultural industry and some of your employees are hard to understand and want to focus on accent reduction and pronunciation. Whatever your reason is for offering corporate language training to employees, we can help you achieve those goals. While different English as a Second Language learners struggle with different aspects of the language, improving upon written English is something many employers need from their ESL employees. Here's some common written English mistakes and how to avoid them...
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English Training For Companies & Assessing Employee ESL Progress

English training for companies is not "one-size-fits-all" - or at least, it shouldn't be. Everyone learns at different paces, and begins learning with different levels of understanding. Some people haven't had any exposure at all, whereas others might have taken a course or two during school. Why then, should learning English be any different? Many of our competitors offer self-guided, online English courses and their customers believe employees will leave those classes meeting expectations. What makes us different is our approach to online learning: people centered, business focused. After completing an assessment of your employees, we centering your employees when designing a course for them, while remaining focused on your business objectives. No two courses are exactly the same just as no two people learn and absorb new information exactly the same. By providing 100% LIVE & remote webinar-style classes, we combine the conveniences of remote learning with all the benefits of a live teacher who can answer questions and provide correction in the moment. We provide expert instructors who have designed online ESL courses (English as a Second Language courses) that are unique and highly engaging so that your employees aren't bored with teaching themselves from a book or screen. So how do you manage expectations when it comes to English courses for companies? And how do you track your employees' progress?
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English Courses For Companies And How To Set Expectations

English courses for companies can be as specific or as broad as you need them to be. Our approach to online corporate English courses incorporates your business goals and objectives into the curriculum to provide a truly customized learning experience for your employees. The reason? Not everyone learns at the same pace, and some people in class might have previously studied English at some point in the past, and therefore have a leg-up on their coworkers. Everyone approaches learning differently, which is why we take a people centered, business focused  approach with our corporate ESL (English as a Second Language) classes. By centering your employees, who will actually be learning in our corporate English courses, they are more likely to retain the information as it is relevant to their real-life jobs because the English they learn is business focused. Taught by expert instructors, our English courses for employees are remote and 100% LIVE with real time instruction to provide the most convenient and successful online learning experience possible. So what kind of expectations do you need to set with your employees before class begins? And how long will it take for them to become fluent in English?
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Online ESL Courses For Migrant And Domestic Farm Workers

Online ESL - English as a Second Language - courses don't have to be a one-size-fits-all. In fact, they are more effective if they aren't. Specifically with adult learning, different people are coming into class with different objectives for being there, every adult is on a different learning-level and everyone learns at their own pace. So then, how do we teach a group of adults to learn English online for their employer? The good news is: we know what we're doing. Online language training for businesses is people centered, business focused meaning that we evaluate and meet your employees where they are at in their journey to learn English; while remaining focused on your personal business objectives. Do you need your workers to be able to speak professionally to customers? Do you need them to confidently deliver presentations? Whatever you need from them, we will work to ensure your goals are met by providing private, corporate sponsored English lessons to small groups of up to 15 people. As with all of our online English classes, your employees will receive the highest quality of remote learning available, with unique and engaging courses that are convenient, and delivered with LIVE instructors who teach every class in real time. Specifically with migrant and domestic farm workers, employers want to know that they are making a sound investment. Depending on immigration visa category, migrant workers can remain in the United States for up to 3 years- although, the majority stay for 1-2 years. So, how can employers be confident that they will see a return on their investment?
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English Courses For Training Spanish Speaking Employees

English courses can help employers in all industries train Spanish speaking employees, and help them find additional success in their careers. Whether your business operates in a blue collar industry like manufacturing or construction, or a white collar industry- ensuring that you can communicate with your employees, and that they can communicate with each other is fundamental to success. English courses for employees doesn't have to be a standard ESL (English as a Second Language) course, either. In fact, many business owners and decision makers benefit from customizing our curriculum to fit all of their needs. For instance, some industries provide online English courses to Spanish speaking employees that is tailored to safety trainings for operating heavy machinery. Other industries and companies benefit more by customizing English classes to build professional skills like leadership training or professional English grammar. Whatever your specific needs are, we specialize in creating corporate English courses that are people centered, business focused that work for everyone. We say this because we truly center the needs of your people, your workers, by meeting them where they're at in their journey towards learning English as a Second Language, delivering class at their level and pace. Yet remaining business focused, because we won't lose sight of your goals. With our corporate English course, we remain focused on delivering the results you need to see, and bringing your workers where you need them to be. Here's a closer look at how English courses for Spanish workers can be right for you and them...
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English Courses for Employees Can Boost Your Business

English courses for employees is an investment every savvy business owner should consider. Especially for businesses in blue collar industries like construction and manufacturing, ensuring your employees can understand safety instructions and be understood is as much essential to your bottom line as it is to your responsibility to your workers. In these industries where operating heavy machinery is part of the job description, employers have a responsibility to ensure worker safety by providing safety instructions and training in a way that makes sense to their workers. Even for white collar industries, English courses for employees can serve as a meaningful step in career development and professional improvement. Here's some of the benefits that English courses for employees has on themselves, on the business they work for and the types of courses we can provide:
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English Courses For Employers & 3 Obstacles To Overcome

English courses for employers can look like many things. For some employers, it can look like industry specific language training that centers around the terminology, safety procedures and equipment involved in fields ranging from construction to healthcare and everything in between. By remaining focused on your individualized business objectives we ensure you are receiving the quality English training your employees need, while centering them in the process by meeting them on their level and going at their pace. In other words, we deliver a people centered & business focused approach to online English training that others cannot provide. All of our corporate English courses are taught by expert instructors  who go above and beyond to deliver a unique and engaging  remote learning experience that is 100% LIVE through video chat technology . In the last 30 years, we have been providing decision makers across dozens of industries with solutions that have helped their businesses and employees thrive with corporate language training and these are just a few of the obstacles that must be overcome for a successful program:
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Associate ESL: Pronunciation Struggles & How To Solve Them

Associate ESL (English as a Second Language) just means learning English as a Second Language for a corporate environment. This can look like working with our team to create a customized ESL program that seeks to address and improve specific professional skills, like public speaking or business writing for ESL associates, for example. Or maybe you own a construction company; associate ESL could also look like creating an industry specific English program that is specific to the construction industry. Whatever your corporate goals are for employee ESL  our team of expert instructors can help you meet them by addressing your safety concerns at construction sites and complying with OSHA standards of safety. After all, if your associates are struggling to understand safety instructions, your team becomes at risk of injury and your business more vulnerable to preventable lawsuits. Considered one of the hardest, learning English as a Second Language is more difficult for adult learners; even more so when learning with coworkers. Everyone naturally wants to impress! 
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Professional English Grammar & The Challenges Adult ESL Learners Face

Professional English- or communicating in a manner that is appropriate in the workplace- is a language skill that native English speakers must learn as they enter they enter the workforce. As with any language, there are different manners of speaking that are appropriate for different situations. For instance, native speakers will be more casual when speaking with friends, using slang words, speaking faster and becoming more animated while being less aware of tone, volume and accents. When it's time for that same person to go to work, they will change how they speak by using proper grammar structures, a bigger vocabulary, while speaking at a slower pace and lower volume. When it's time to go home, they may not speak as proper to their parents or respected individuals but not as casual as when hanging out with friends. Being aware of who you are talking to and knowing how to address them is a fundamental element of being a fluent English speaker. So what do business owners and decision makers do when they have workers who speak English as a Second Language (ESL) and need to provide them with a business English course?
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Corporate English Course For Non-Native Speakers

Corporate English course? That's right. Let's say you are a business owner, a CEO or a decision maker for some corporation, and you have 3 very talented associates on your team who speak English as a Second Language (ESL). Part of their job is to pitch ideas to clients during regular meetings, report on progress, and collaborate with coworkers internally until the project meets the clients' standards. In order to level the playing field, you want your ESL associates to present their own ideas during meetings, but they have expressed that they don't feel confident enough in their language skills to speak during client meetings. This is just one of countless examples that highlight the need for customized English training. All of our English training programs are people centered, business focused; and truly allow decision makers freedom to customize our curriculum to meet your business needs. By incorporating elements of our professional skills training programs with an industry specific English course, we are able to remain focused on your company objectives, while centering your associates and meeting them where they're at in their journey to learn English online. By offering your associates the opportunity to learn English online from our expert instructors, they are able to learn a valuable life skill from the comfort of their own home, while still getting all the benefits of an in-person classroom. When every single online language training course is 100 % LIVE and in-person, taught webinar style, the quality of our remote English classes is unmatched. One example of how we can deliver the solutions you need is by incorporating elements of professional meetings skills training into our business English program...
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English Lessons For Adults & Overcoming Common Language Mistakes

English lessons for adults can be a stressful experience for students- especially when they are corporate sponsored. Everyone wants to put their best foot forward at work in order to make a good impression. And when your boss needs you to improve upon English language skills, adults feel the pressure more and are slower learners than children who tend to pick up a new language easier and quicker. A silver lining here, is that all of our corporate language training programs are private classes, and never exceed 15 learners. Providing decision makers with the ability to customize is what sets us apart from similar companies- whether that means incorporating elements of professional skills trainings like combining negotiation skills with employee English lessons, or improving upon presentations and public speaking for ESL employees or even  industry specific English courses- all of our online language training for businesses can be customized to meet all of your business needs. Despite the class size, and the level of attention our expert instructors provide your associates, there is always room for improvement. Making mistakes should be encouraged, and associates shouldn't be afraid to make them during class. Making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn, and besides... everyone makes them at some point. So here's a few common mistakes and how to overcome them:
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Professional Skills Trainings For Associates Can Include Presentations

Professional skills trainings for ESL employees (those who speak English as a Second Language) can cover a wide range of different ESL speaking skills; which aren't covered as in depth in many of those standard, run-of-the-mill online ESL courses. Specializing in private and small group English classes, we allow decision makers the unique ability to customize any of our courses to your specific needs. Customized  corporate English class means that while some decision makers request elements of business writing skills for ESL employees, others may want theirs to focus on industry specific employee ESL that is designed to enhance OSHA training. Whether you have 10 associates who are on the same level, or a few that have different needs- we apply a people centered, business focused approach to all of our online language training courses. When designing a program for your associates, our expert instructors will teach at a level and pace set by your associates' needs while centering the needs of your business and objectives to deliver the results you need to see. LIVE, video-chat style class sessions are an engaging, and unique in a way that competition simply cannot compare to. One of the unique ways we allow decision makers to customize our curriculum is by incorporating professional skills trainings- like giving presentations.
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How To Improve Your ESL Associates’ Business Writing Skills

Hiring ESL associates is a smart move for any business owner or decision maker in your company. Especially if yours is a multinational business, hiring ESL (English as a Second Language) associates are essential and beneficial; as their talents and skill sets may differ from native English speakers. Being able to tap into the resources that ESL associates bring to the table should be enticing to decision makers who work for large companies around the world. Not only does it allow for a larger talent pool to recruit from, but it allows for better customer service as not every customer speaks English fluently. Although the benefits that ESL workers bring to corporations can go on forever, they may need additional support- and that's where we step in. Specializing in fully remote online English training, we are confident that our 100% customizable business English courses can meet all your needs. All of our online language training classes are LIVE, and take place in a real-time video conferencing format that gives your people the personalized attention they need to learn best, without sacrificing convenience.  So whether yours is a white collar or blue collar industry, there will come a time when your ESL associates (associates who speak English as a Second Language) will have to write an email, a client proposal, a report, memo or something of the nature that requires professional Business English writing skills. Here's some things you can do to encourage from your corporate ESL associates to improve their business writing skills:
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Speaking Skills For Business English And How To Improve At Home

Improving speaking skills for business English can seem harder than it is. Not only are you trying to learn a new language, but you are trying to learn a niche of English that is specific to an office. The good news is, all of our corporate language training programs can be specifically customized to fit all of your business needs. With an emphasis on personalized English training, we offer private and small group English training , that combines all the convenience of fully remote classes with the advantages of in-person learning; with our unique and engaging, LIVE video chat style lessons . For ESL learners, business English can seem like a whole different language at times. For company owners and decision makers, it is important to remember to stay positive and to provide encouragement and support where necessary. And while there isn't a quick fix, just like every other skill, anyone can improve their English dictation and pronunciation with some time, practice and patience. 
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English Training For Healthcare Companies & Getting Your FREE Demo

English training for healthcare companies is an especially vital component for a robust, 360 onboarding experience. Many H.R (Human Resources) professionals desire this 360 approach when creating an employee training package- but often overlook the simplest, most rudimentary component: corporate English training. When the average company spends between $7,500 - $28,000 to onboard a single...
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English Training For Tech Companies & 3 Reasons To Book Your FREE Demo

English training for tech companies is an especially useful resource that shouldn't be overlooked when creating a new employee onboarding experience. Many H.R (Human Resources) professionals seek a 360 approach when creating an employee training package, but often overlook the simplest, most rudimentary component: corporate English training. When compared to multi-national tech companies, this is a touch more understandable for those smaller, "mom-and-pop" businesses local to the United States. But when you stop to really think about it, even these smaller businesses would be wise to expand their new employee training plan- especially when the average company spends between $7,500 - $28,000 onboarding a single new associate. By expanding your onboarding training to include English training for ESL employees, you get higher quality employees  from a larger pool of candidates, and they receive training they will use for the rest of their lives even after they leave the position. Employees who receive this kind of comprehensive training are more likely to stay employed for a longer period of time; because their employer is financially invested in their development. The IT companies that recognize this end up saving money   year-over-year by actively lowering turnover rate. Not convinced yet? If you are an HR professional or company leader, here's 3 reasons to book your free demo today...
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Get FREE Online Employee Language Training In MA or NY & Get Paid?!

Yes, you read that title correctly, and no, we don't blame you for questioning it either. Online employee language training is an important resource that many companies have overlooked. To their credit it may not make as much sense, as it does for those in blue collar industries or that are multi-national; but every business owner should be aware of its existence. All businesses in blue collar industries- like construction or manufacturing- in particular should not only be aware that language training online exists, but that it works and can save thousands to millions of dollars. When a workforce operates with ESL (English as a Second Language) employees, there is a greater chance for misinterpretation. We aren't saying EVERY business faces this problem, but it is common enough for middle managers to warrant employee development plans. Especially for businesses in blue collar industries, where working with complex and heavy equipment is part of the job description, a simple miscommunication can have bigger, even life-threatening consequences for your company. Sure, an investing in online English courses costs money up front, but when you compare that cost against a an injury or wrongful death lawsuit because someone misunderstood instruction, you have to ask yourself... is the risk worth that cost? And to be clear, the risk of NOT investing is more than money- it's a gamble with your employees safety and lives.
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Online Language Training for Businesses: Getting Your FREE Demo!

Online language training for businesses is an essential part of onboarding new hires, with diverse language backgrounds (at least it SHOULD be). Every decision maker and leader in business understands that effective communication is essential for relationships inside & outside of work; and a lack thereof can result in consequences both big and small. For industries like manufacturing and construction online English courses are just as important for the wellbeing of workers & coworker relationships, as the companies they work for. The simple reason? Many ESL workers (or those who speak English as a Second Language) are more likely to end up finding employment in blue-collar industries, where misunderstandings or incorrect translations can lead to accidents and even wrongful death; which in turn ends up costing their companies time and money among other things. All of this is to say: the cost of investing in communication for blue-collar workers far outweighs the cost of NOT investing at all.  Online language training for businesses is completely flexible and 100% customizable to your business needs. So whether that means creating an online English class that is specific to your industry or line of work, or incorporating elements of professional skills training into the curriculum; online ESL for workers truly delivers what your business needs at a level and pace that is centered around your workers taking the class. Creating custom people centered, business focused online English courses is our specialty. So we ask you: do you know about our FREE demos?!
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Cultural Competence Skills Training for Healthcare Workers

Cultural competence skills training is an essential investment for every company; whether multinational or domestic. Our cross cultural training program is designed to create awareness, and build sensitivity where a mutual understanding doesn't exist. To put it another way: our cultural sensitivity training program will give your associates an understanding of different countries or cultures they will be exposed to, by providing appropriate ways of addressing these differences in professional settings. Whether you are from the United States, China or Ethiopia- foreigners usually have a knack for sticking out among locals. And sticking out shouldn't be a bad thing, but when it is- it's usually due to someone else's unfortunate reaction that makes sticking out a bad thing. 
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English Training for Associates & The Importance Of Skills Training

English training for associates improves their grasp on the language, and all the soft skills required for effective communication. Among some of these soft skills are things like: negotiation, active listening, comprehension, and dictation which can all be incorporated into employee English lessons. English training for associates is a tool that decision makers and business owners can customize to fit their business objectives, while accommodating individual learning styles and levels of the associates actually taking the class. By giving leaders 100% customization of our curriculum- whether that requires industry specific English training or hosting our English classes onsite at your business location- we are putting you in the drivers' seat. Why do we do this? Because our success depends on how successful your associates are. A successful English language training course for companies cannot be one size fits all; there are too many industries and even within the same industry, there are different skills one company identifies that a competitor already succeeds in. We call this approach people centered (because your associates needs and learning styles are important to identify) and business focused; allowing us to meet your people where they are at and deliver the results you need to see. Corporate English language training looks different for construction workers than it does for white collar businesses but we still offer flexibility in class location. So whether your company requires onsite English training (because associates need to learn safety instructions for big machinery) or prefers online English training through our LIVE webinar portal- all of our classes are taught by expert instructors.
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Employee English Lessons To Improve Negotiation Skills In Business

Employee English lessons can be used for a number of different purposes. Of course, the primary reason is to improve your employees' English proficiency, but you can also improve their negotiation skills as a result. In an industry like construction, knowing how to negotiate is essential; not only for coworker conflict resolution but for developing and maintaining healthy client relationships as well. For business owners, investing in English language training programs for ESL workers is as much about your business or brand, as it is about the employees who represent it. You can have the best product in the world, but it won't matter if your brand becomes synonymous with poor customer service. Language training online can be a very useful tool for business owners and decision makers in any industry; regardless of whether you work in a blue or a white collar industry. By putting you in the drivers seat, we can provide a 100% customizable learning experience for your employees. Blue collar industries like manufacturing and construction prefer to host onsite English classes to incorporate a highly specific set of vocabulary and safety trainings, that are better understood in a typical working environment with heavy machinery. Other decision makers find it better to host online corporate English classes through our easy-to-navigate web portal, where your employees learn from experienced instructors in real time, through a LIVE webinar classroom portal. 
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Customized Corporate English Class, Cross Cultural Training & Business

Corporate English class can be so much more than having us provide English training for ESL employees. All of our classes- whether it be language training online or onsite business English classes- can be customized to meet all your needs. Whether you have 20 employees who need language training for construction jobs, or 10 office employees who require cross cultural training we can provide solutions for many problems your business might have. And while 2 businesses might have the same problem, they might be in different industries or maybe the employees need a more advanced online English training program than the other. Understanding that learning English is not one-size-fits-all for companies or their employees, we don't have a standardized syllabus for every class. Using a people-centered, business focused approach allows us to deliver real results by centering your employees & meeting them at their level- while remaining focused on your business objectives and goals.
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Online English Courses Can Prevent Manufacturing Accidents

Online English courses can prevent manufacturing accidents, especially when included as part of training. According to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) language barriers are estimated to contribute 25% of job-related accidents. Additional findings placed foreign-born Hispanic workers 69% more likely to experience fatal injuries than native-born Hispanic workers. While OSHA has been known to protect English as a Second Language or ESL speaking manufacturing workers, on-the-job fatalities have not decreased citing in many cases that employers either provided inadequate or failed to provide safety training at all. Workplace injuries, can easily result in lost wages, mounting medical bills and even long-term impairment for your workers. With every injury, the consequences for employers range from extending deadlines, to staffing shortages to potential lawsuits. Online English courses for manufacturing workers can prevent workplace accidents by addressing 3 root problems:
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Language Training Online, Time Management & Your Employees

Language training online has a number of varied benefits for companies and their employees. Apart from the obvious benefit of your employees becoming better English speakers, corporate language training online can instill in your employees a number of different language skills that are mutually beneficial, like: leadership training, effective professional communication, employee accent reduction and more. And while there are many companies who can provide language training online to your employees for a good bargain, decision makers will have to ask themselves: at what cost? Most of these programs are self-taught; meaning there won't be an instructor to provide on-the-spot correction. In contrast, all of our online corporate English classes are taught by experts in their industry, who lead class through our LIVE webinar teaching portal. Meaning your employees will receive a top-quality online learning experience; that combines the benefits of having an in-person class with all the conveniences of remote learning. Arguably, the best feature of our unique and highly engaging approach to language training online is the flexibility and control we can offer to your business. Our curriculum is 100% customizable, in that we allow you to omit certain aspects of the curriculum if you don't feel it is relevant for your employees. We can even provide industry specific English training to ensure everything in our courses are meeting your individual business needs. 
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Employee Accent Reduction Classes & 3 Benefits For Your Company

Employee accent reduction classes are an important part of the onboarding process for foreign-born and LEP (Limited English Proficient) employees. Learning a new skill, job or taking on a new responsibility can be challenging enough- especially in blue collar industries like construction or manufacturing- but doing so with a limited understanding of the language can make things overwhelming, and unsafe. Every day companies hire top talent from other countries, and bring on new employees who speak ESL (English as a Second Language) who don't have any problems being understood. It is in those other circumstances, when an incredibly talented individual is brought onto the team at work, but your employees have a hard time understanding and communicating with them because of a thick accent. What do you do in these moments? Whether your company is in a blue or white collar industry, ensuring your employees can communicate effectively is vitally important for the health and wellbeing of your employees and your business. When employees are having trouble understanding, when deliverables and timelines aren't met due to miscommunication, when instructions are misinterpreted... the quality of work declines, and can even threaten physical safety. The solution to these problems involves finding an employee accent reduction class that fits your needs; and considering these added benefits, you can't go wrong!
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Customized Language Training & Leadership Building For Companies

Customized language training is a feature that many other language training companies don't provide. By giving company owners an opportunity to offer customized language training to their blue collar workers, on-the-job accidents decline which ends up saving thousands if not millions in lawsuits. Meanwhile, employees acquire professional language skills training that can translate to any job or industry, and we work to ensure all business objectives are met. With language skills training, we mean it when we say everything is 100% customizable by giving company owners the freedom of a customizable syllabus, the ability to host onsite language classes or remote, where your associates learn from our expert instructors via our unique LIVE webinar style platform for remote language courses. Most language training companies can offer self-guided courses, that are completely self-taught through internet connection and a computer. We do things differently, believing that developing professional language skills -or perfecting it- should require speaking it, practicing with an expert, and correction in-the-moment. For blue collar companies, and any profession that hires ESL (English as a Second Language) workers, leadership training should be something to consider.
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Developing Professional Skills With Leadership Training for Associates

Developing professional skills of your associates is a goal that many business owners and decision makers have. Attracting top talent is a challenge in and of itself, but retaining it is a whole different ball game. In this ever changing world in which we live in, top talent is seeking out growth: whether it's growing into a new role at the same company or expanding the same role at a different company, they will achieve it with or without you. In the last 50 years the workforce has changed drastically, one example of this is the average turnover rate. In 1950, companies experienced an estimated 4% turnover rate of their entire workforce; in today's modern world 18% is average. Some look at these figures and draw conclusions that people just don't want to work hard anymore. But is the increase in turnover rate really the fault of employees quitting when the #1 most frequently cited reason for quitting is inadequate pay? Considering that most companies no longer incentivize employees with pensions, barely keep pay consistent with inflation, and frequently remind employees that they are replaceable; people are no longer incentivized to remain employed by the same company for long periods of time. When the average person starts a new job at a new company, they can expect anywhere from a 5% - 20% pay increase. So how can we attract and keep top talent?
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Industry Language Training Classes For Biotech Companies

Industry language training can make a world of difference in the success of a business- whether it be established or a start-up. When you hear "biotech companies" people often think about silicon valley and the latest cutting edge innovation that can change lives and improve health conditions. For an industry like Biotechnology- that seeks to understand and manipulate the building blocks of living things (like genetics, chemical engineering, micro and macro biology)- studies, experiments and their findings must be replicated internationally. For instance, if an engineer discovers a drug that helps reverse cancer, but their findings cannot be replicated is it really a breakthrough discovery? In addition, other countries need to be able to understand the research and findings to truly test the hypothesis, which requires language translation services. Even when conducting clinical trials, biotech engineering companies need to be aware that all participants may not speak the same language, and therefore have to make all communication (written and verbal) accessible to all. Establishing online English training programs for biotech companies and their new hires is a mutually beneficial investment for these companies and the employees they wish to extend language training to. But what does language training for biotech associates entail?
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Remote Language Training for Healthcare Employees Is A Genius Move

Remote language training for healthcare workers is an underutilized tool that more hospitals should take advantage of. Most hospitals are looking for bilingual employees to fill administrative healthcare open positions. But most hospitals are not providing opportunities for them to receive language training for hospital staff. Out of the estimated 329.5 million people living in the United States, 44.9 million are estimated to be immigrants; 67% of whom report speaking little to no English, who are commonly referred to as Limited English Proficient (LEP). Whether citizen or not, everyone deserves quality medical care- regardless of where in the world you are, and what language you speak- e and everyone deserves equal language accessibility: the idea that language should be accessible to all because there is a fundamental right to understand and be understood. In the context of medical care, equal language accessibility looks like having a medical interpreter on site to translate appointments, having documentation translated into the patients' language, and more. To have bilingual administrative staff working in a hospital without providing corporate language training opportunities, is to waste money on interpreting services and prevent your staff from reaching their full potential and doing a disservice to the patients seeking medical care.
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Language Training For Hospital Employees & 3 Benefits for Hospitals

Language training for hospital employees is one of the smartest decisions hospitals can make in modern times. Having an employee on-site, or a bilingual staff interpreter who can handle all of your language requests is not only a convenience but a necessity for most hospitals. A bilingual staff interpreter refers to person who gets hired by a company to interpret conversations and translate documents. When it comes to training, no company can provide too much. Incorporating your needs and requests into the curriculum is our speciality, as all programs feature customizable language training  to meet your needs as a hospital business owner. We recognize that every hospital and every person is unique in their needs and learning styles- which is why we offer decision makers the freedom to customize our curriculum. Private, small group classes allow your employees to get comfortable wherever you need to host class; whether it's with our webinar style online classes or our private on-site language training for medical employees, we have options. Having a bilingual medical interpreter on-site to handle all of your language requests is becoming essential to many hospitals- so what are some of the benefits?
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Private English Training Options for Landscaping Employees

Private English training can encompass a wide range of topics, and can remain as private as needed with small-group English classes for private companies or can be open format. Whether it is online English training that is best for your employees or you would prefer us to come to you with our on-site private English classes- we have solutions for all your language training needs. For blue collar businesses, on-site English training allows your employees to take a hands-on approach to learning English, in a hands-on industry like landscaping. Industry specific English courses provide the tools necessary to communicate and fulfill duties better because the syllabus is tailored to vocabulary, and real-life situations that will occur while on the job. Our unique people centered, business focused approach to training your employees puts your business decision-makers in the drivers seat. By centering your real employees- before formulating a syllabus- we meet your people where they are at... never going too fast and assessing their levels along the way to ensure they get where you need them to be. Providing employers with the opportunity to offer 100% customizable English classes allows us to remain focused on your specific business needs, and your decision makers are able to get the most value out of private English training for employees. So what are some of your options as a landscaping company? 
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Workforce English Training for Manufacturers Is Essential In 3 States

Workforce English training is an important element of onboarding that business owners should not overlook. When approximately 67% of the U.S manufacturing workforce speaks Spanish as a primary or secondary language; deciding whether or not to offer workforce English training should be an easy one. This is an industry where working with heavy machinery, and operating dangerous equipment is a requirement for the job. If your workers have a hard time understanding you and vice versa misunderstandings become more frequent, and accidents start happening at work. In 2020 OSHA stated that language barriers are a factor in 25% of all workplace accidents. If factory owners could avoid even 10% of accidents by providing language training for workers hundreds of millions of dollars could be spent somewhere other than paying off lawsuits and what workers comp requires. But who are these workers, and where are they working? How can English training for companies help everyone in your factory?
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Workforce Language Training For The U.S Leisure & Hospitality Industry

The global leisure and hospitality industry took a gigantic hit in March, 2020 and is only now just starting to recoup those losses, more than 2 years later. Specifically in U.S, small business that rely on tourists in states like New York, New Jersey and California that experienced the fallout and haven't recovered. Yet throughout the pandemic, people were more eager than before to return to traveling and for the first time, others were eager to begin. Most of us, myself included, were curious what the travel industry would look like in a post-quarantine world still dealing with COVID-19; when and if businesses were able to bounce back. With so many hospitality workers having left their jobs during quarantine to secure other means of income, a lot of hotels, casinos, cruise liners and the like are struggling to keep up with the overwhelming demand for travel in 2022. So how are these hospitality businesses filling these vacant roles? How can they attract top talent?
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3 Blue Collar Industries That Need Onsite English Training

When it comes to blue collar industries, a significant portion of workers are ESL (English as a Second Language) speakers. Countless companies rely on manual intensive labor as part of the job description, but for some reason don't offer industry specific language training as part of their onboarding process. Blue collar work typically involves lifting heavy materials, operating dangerous machinery, and working on a team to complete a task. Out of the top 10 most frequently cited workplace safety standards of 2021, hazard communication falls at #5; according to the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA) attributes. In other words, failure to adequately communicate job-safety risks is a very common theme with blue collar work. What is more, according to the Liberty Mutual Workplace Safety Index of 2018, United States based businesses spend nearly a billion dollars per week on OSHA violations and workers' compensation. One would logically think then, that industries employing record high numbers of ESL speakers would prioritize making corporate language training a mandatory part of their onboarding process. Whether it's a general online English training program, or corporate language training for employees- all of programs are 100% customizable to fit all of your English training needs. Customized ESL for companies allows decision makers the flexibility to change or add anything necessary for your specific goals. Whether you choose to host class online or would prefer us to come to you with our onsite English training, we provide real solutions for real companies. Need more convincing?
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3 Onsite Language Training Classes For Blue Collar Industries

On site language training doesn't just have to be for white collar, metropolitan businesses. Corporate language training doesn't have to begin and end with English training for companies. Every day, there are hundreds of different companies who outsource some form of training for associates- regardless of their industry. No matter what is required, all of our online language classes are also offered on-site for private, small group trainings. We understand that not every client will have the exact same requirements, which is why we allow clients the freedom to personalize our curriculum. Maybe all of your associates need a refresher on safety trainings and only some need leadership matter what your unique requests are, we can accommodate them. Whether your specific needs are mentioned here or not, we provide people centered, business focused corporate English classes. Meeting your employees where they're at while remaining focused on your business objectives. When it comes to blue collar industries like construction, manufacturing or warehousing that employ millions of people from diverse backgrounds each year, they may face unique challenges when it comes to onboarding new associates or training them for a new role. Here are 3 different on site language training classes:
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Diversity and Inclusion Training, Construction & Creating a Culture of C.A.R.E

When hearing a phrase like "company values" we tend to picture a stereotypical white collar, corporate office somewhere in a big city that offers employees pizza parties and beer instead of regular raises.  In this day and age, these companies are as common as smartphones- they just seem to be everywhere. And just like the majority of people today have a smartphone, A LOT of people are employed by this type of "cookie-cutter" company. It is without doubt that these companies can benefit from diversity and inclusion training  but that is a post for another day. As recently as February, 2022 the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintainence was audited and found to be negligent in their responsibility to oversee and enforce state diversity quotas on public construction projects. According to state guidelines, every construction contract should include at least 15.3% of total construction project hours to be performed by minority workers, and 6.9% by female workers. The audit of 127 construction construction contracts discovered that 95% did not meet the female participation goal and 61% did not have any hours completed by women. Findings revealed that 64% of the 127 contracts did not meet minority workforce participation goals, and 36 of them or 28% did not have any hours worked by minorities. As construction hires millions of foreign born employees every year, it is no surprise that the industry has the demand for this type of training.
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3 More Industries That Need English Training in Texas

English training as a benefit through employment is a current trend that is here to stay- in the United States and abroad. When specifically looking at Texas, immigration is crucial to the success of its' economy. The Texan workforce contributes an estimated $119 billion to the states' economic output, and is responsible for allowing the state to make a total profit of $420 million from immigrant labor. With 1 in 6 residents being of foreign nationality, they are the people who are responsible for the rapid economic growth Texas has experienced in the last 30 years. With so much growth for the state from immigrant labor, it would be logical to assume that there are plenty of resources for non-English speakers to find employment and learn English with assistance to make that happen. Immigrants make up nearly a quarter of Texas' workforce without whom the state's economy would collapse. So why doesn't Texas have more resources for these essential workers? What are these resources and which industries can benefit most in Texas?
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Why Group English Classes Are Needed for Utah’s Manufacturing Boom

In the last 5 years, residents of Utah and other South Western states have experienced a large manufacturing boom. The emergence of these large manufacturing companies in industries like tech, construction, medical equipment and more, have made manufacturing one of the most diverse workforces in the United States. Working in these plants requires a lot of stamina and often requires operating heavy machinery that puts people in regular, dangerous situations to complete their day's work. And by employing millions of people who speak English as a Second Language (ESL) and those who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) many manufacturing workers may require a 360 approach to onboarding. For the CEOs of these companies, it is in their best interest to provide workers with training that is comprehensive enough to avoid these kinds of accidents that can bankrupt companies and destroy their workers lives forever.
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3 Kinds of Online Training Classes for Construction Companies

When it comes to training, construction companies in particular take it very seriously. Ensuring everything and everyone is in compliance with OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards and regulations is imperative to ensuring worker safety. Every year, construction companies spend millions of dollars in violation fines after accidents, and only then does ensuring safety become a priority. One of the best things construction owners can do is evaluate their training materials and make a determination if it is comprehensive enough. If you have bilingual employees, are they receiving training in their native language? Are they able to communicate effectively with their coworkers? In providing English classes for construction workers we understand that effective communication is a skill that can be learned. With our completely customizable curriculum  we offer employers the freedom to personalize training to meet specific business objectives. Our online training classes for construction companies are offered online and on-site  to provide the best learning experience for your employees- whether it be remote video conference style approach to class  or in person at your worksite. So as construction company owners, have you considered expanding your onboarding itinerary to include any of these 3 classes?
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Private Language Training For Employees In 3 Industries

Due to the demands of modern society, online language training for employees continues to trend worldwide. Just as corporations moved to an online platform for conducting daily business operations during quarantine, classes and even interpreting moved to a remote platform as well. With private language training for employees, your associates learn how to communicate at the level you need them to be, while staying focused on your business objectives. Whether it is private language training online that operates through LIVE video conferencing webinar technology ✅ or on-site language training, all of our classes are completely customizable✅ to fit all of your business needs.  In this day and age- when we are still dealing with COVID-19 but have come out of quarantine- more businesses are finding they can benefit from offering corporate ESL training for employees. Bringing people together and providing more employment opportunities, providing language training as a benefit to workers has been effective in these three industries during the Covid-19 crisis...
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On-Site Language Training Benefits For Construction & Warehousing

On-site language training is a huge benefit to both employers and their employees. When provided as a corporate benefit, industry specific language training helps grow employees careers, improves communication, and productivity. As employers, reducing avoidable workplace accidents should be a priority when language training for construction workers can save millions of dollars in lawsuits, and OSHA violations. Online English classes for companies is always people centered, business focused. In other words, no matter what your industry is we can meet your employees where they are at , and create a language program to bring them to your standards while remaining focused on your business objectives . English classes for warehousing workers and construction workers creates a safer, more productive working environment  for all employees, especially when these fields in particular are driven by those who speak English as a Second Language (ESL). But the benefits of on-site language training go beyond just safety and career development.
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3 Industries Benefiting From Language Translation Services

Language translation is a major component of conducting international business successfully. There are approximately 213 million international companies spanning multiple industries from tech to construction and everything in between. Given this information, it is easy to see why language translation is so important. Language translation is defined as the act of converting, or translating, a document or any content from one specific language to another that can be easily understood. Online corporate language training helps these international businesses find language solutions by conducting all of our online English training classes via LIVE video conferencing webinar formatting . Most online language training companies are self taught, and although that may be effective some times, we believe actual language learning comes from practicing in real-time from experienced instructors. Corporate language training can provide solutions for companies attempting to expand to new markets overseas, or for those seeking to train a group of people to coordinate with offices abroad. It can help others to improve communication through industry specific English training and provide professional skills training for a select few. All of our online or on-site corporate language training classes is customizable  to fit every business need for language training according to your busy schedule and timeline. With so many solutions for any business in need of workplace English training, we will help you achieve your goals. In fact, here are 3 industries that are currently benefitting from language translation services:
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ESL Employees & 4 Ways to Support Them At Work

ESL Employees or those who speak English as a Second Language are usually foreign born but make up a significant portion of the United States workforce. The less language training employees receive, the more likely it is for there to be misunderstandings. Depending on the industry, miscommunication can result in wasted time at best, and injury or even death at worst for those in construction or manual labor intensive fields.  Online corporate language training can help employers and employees find solutions to make communication more effective and work more productive. Our classes offer 100% customizable language training that can be tailored to fit the needs of all of your ESL employees while remaining focused on achieving your business objectives. Whether you are looking to enhance professional skills like giving a presentation, or are looking for industry specific language training for your construction employees, we provide real language training solutions for real businesses. Our online language training courses are unique, taught by real instructors through video conferencing technology so your ESL employees receive in-person lessons from expert instructors with all the convenience of remote learning.
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Employee ESL Enhances OSHA Training In 3 Ways

Employee ESL- or English as a Second Language- is a huge benefit to both foreign born employees and their employers; especially the manual labor industry jobs like construction, manufacturing and warehousing. Our ESL classes for companies are offered online AND on-site which gives you flexibility and are 100% customizable to any field. Industry specific English training  is imperative of manual labor occupations as these are among the top industries where ESL learners find employment. Language barriers with foreign-born workers in these fields can pose a serious risk to employees and employers. Employee English training especially when administered in conjunction with OSHA training can yield better results and peace of mind for employers and improve confidence in their employees. OSHA- or The Occupational Safety and Health Administration- estimates that language barriers contribute 25% of all workplace accidents. The good news is employers can take action to reduce that number with customized English language training that is provided to employees along with their OSHA training:
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3 Ways To Enhance Corporate ESL Training

Corporate ESL (English as a Second Language) training is always evolving. When making the decision to provide English language training for your employees, it's important to consider what their needs and your business goals are. All of our on-site and online language training courses are entirely customizable to meet your objectives while meeting each employee where they are at- people centered, business focused. Deciding which business language training course is right for you, and whether your employees will learn online or on-site are essential choices to make before enrolling. From there, our expertise will evaluate your employees' language needs and provide you with regular progress reports along the way to ensure success. Throughout the years, corporate language training is becoming more prominent as more businesses expand to new markets and hire more foreign nations who speak English as a Second Language (ESL). Ensuring success is dependent upon many factors, but when it comes to learning ESL there are some things you can do to reinforce learning for better outcomes.
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Employee English Training Can Benefit Warehouse Workers & Employers

Employee English training is a useful tool for many businesses that rely on manual labor. With a large portion of workers immigrating from other countries, fields like construction, manufacturing and warehousing, corporate English training for employees is a necessary part of onboarding. Employees who speak English as a Second Language (ESL) will benefit from small-group or individual ESL classes can be customized to your specific business objectives. Ensuring your employees can effectively communicate benefits employer and employees alike; because setting them up for success means your business is set up to prosper. Everybody wins! But how do you get the most out of language training online? How does employee English training benefit your company?
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Language Training Online & 3 Ways to Get The Most Out Of It

Language training online is one of the best ways businesses can improve communication in the workplace. Corporate language lessons can develop professional skills, improve confidence and create new opportunities for associates to have successful careers. When associates feel valued in the workplace they are more productive and businesses retain and also attract top talent much easier than the companies that don't offer such benefits. Corporate language training can look like anything from ESL courses (English as a Second Language) to leadership or time management professional skills training. The true question is: once leadership has identified the need for business language training online, how do you know where to start? How do you make the most out of it?
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Online English Classes for Companies & Benefits for 3 Top Industries

Online English classes for companies is a beneficial investment in any industry. Whether it's teaching employees soft skills like public speaking, industry specific language training, or corporate language lessons; there is a solution for all your business needs. All of our online language training courses are people centered, business focused and uniquely formatted to fit your specific needs. What does that mean? To put it simply, we center the individual needs of your employees while remaining focused on your specific business objectives. Let's say you have an employee named Michael who is a seasoned, expert welder who you feel would make a great trainer for newer employees- but he has a very thick accent that your team has trouble understanding. Let's say you are also expanding your manufacturing company abroad, and you need a few employees to learn the local language. We will work with you to design a program that can get all your employees where you want them to be while meeting them individually at their own level; hence, people centered, business focused. All of our online English Classes are: 100% customizable  Taught by experts  Conducted online via live webinar format 
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English Training Online and Its Benefits For Manufacturing Companies

In the manufacturing industry, economic growth has caused and effected huge technological advances resulting in the increased demand for manufacturing workers around the globe. With that level of corporate expansion comes an element of cooperation, and a need for comprehensive training. English training online will help manufacturing professionals communicate better, leading to a safer work environment and increase in engagement and create a more pleasant and productive working environment. English training online can look like a lot of different things. Sometimes that can look like  ESL classes for employees (English as a Second Language). Other times, workplace language training can be utilized to improve your employees' professional business skills such as leadership training or time management to name a few. We can even work with non-native English speakers on accent reduction and pronunciation where students will learn to correctly pronounce and practice all the intricacies of spoken English.
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English Training For Companies – What We Do and Why We Do It

English training for companies offers solutions to problems that have already, or haven't happened yet. In 2021 alone, there were 5,295 OSHA (Occupational Safety and Health Administration) violations; citing language barriers contributing to 25% of job-related accidents. With foreign national populations increasing year over year in the United States, studies show that companies with more diversity are already enjoying financial returns 35% higher than national industry medians. What does this mean? When the U.S National Safety Council reports that workplace injuries exceed $170 billion annually, construction tailored English classes is an investment that pays off in its ROI. If accidents can be prevented with online English courses, can you afford the risk of not providing English training for companies and their employees?
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Online Language Training Courses – People Centered, Business Focused

Whether you need industry specific language training for construction or hospitality, or general English training for employees, our language training programs are people centered and business focused. When employers identify a language barrier - whether it be  comprehension or diction or even getting employees up to speed with the corporate world in our professional English program - we provide solutions. In 10 weeks, we can improve your employees English skills and give them the tools to be successful. But how do you know which business language training online course is right for you? Out of all the companies offering online language training courses, how do you choose the right program for your employees?
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Celebrating Valentines Day Around The World

Celebrating Valentines Day in the United States typically consists of the standard dinner date, and maybe some flowers, chocolates, jewelry and cards. These hallmarks of the holiday aren't necessarily wrong or go unappreciated, they are just tried-and-true and expected. The thing about Valentines day being a holiday, makes people save their affection and expressing their feelings for February 14th, and on the 15th it's back to business as usual. Showing your love and expressing genuine feelings, unfortunately, is not something that everyone is taught how to do. And yet, so many of us enter romantic relationships assuming the other person knows our feelings without communicating them. Corporate English classes may be able to help there, but this phenomenon is experienced world-wide, not just in North America. In fact, other countries around the world celebrate this day of romance in other ways...
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Language Training for Construction Workers and 3 Immediate Benefits

Language training for construction workers is an essential part of training- especially when 2.5 million immigrant workers are employed in the construction industry. Many Limited English Proficient (LEP) workers are at a disadvantage- both professionally and in terms of safety- when they are unable to communicate with colleagues and clients. Which leads to a misunderstanding about their job, increases the risk of making dangerous mistakes and become less likely to get promotions when there are English speaking team members. In the United States, the unfortunate reality remains that the lower English comprehension skills the more likely workplace accidents are to occur. Ensuring that employees understand that English for construction workers will help employers in 3 major ways:
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3 Ways Corporate Language Lessons Can Develop Professional Skills

Corporate language lessons and developing professional skills can be some of the most rewarding benefits- for your business and the employees you hire. Think about your organization, and the people you work with- whether it's you, an employee or a coworker. What makes them great at their job? Is it their attention to detail or their ability to stick to deadlines? Do they have quality work and do receive recognition for their effort? The answers to these questions may not be known, but whatever quality makes them great can be learned. Specifically designed with you in mind, professional skills programs can help elevate the quality of your employee's work and make an immediate impact on your business. Online language classes for employees like corporate language lessons can help leaders drive business and motivate others to develop their professional skills in 3 big areas:
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Which Business Language Training Online Course is Right For You?

Business language training online is vital for a successful career in 2022, regardless of which language your employees need to learn. With so many people looking to start new careers or advance in their current field, online corporate language training courses can provide tools to increase your ability to get hired or promoted. With so many options out there it is hard to know which course is right for you. Our customized, in-person and online Corporate Language training programs are specifically designed for busy professionals to help them acquire necessary language skills in a minimal amount of time. If you are considering business language training for yourself or for your employees, there are 2 things you should know beforehand...
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Corporate Business English Classes And Evaluating Diversity

Corporate business English classes can help your company get on track to meet and exceed  goals for 2022. Trends are showing that lots of companies are looking for ways to be more diverse and inclusive; and in a corporate working environment being diverse often comes with goals and metrics. The biggest key to remaining inclusive is having a growth mindset from the top down. It's not all about being positive in every situation but more about believing in innate potential- especially during challenging times. Having a growth mindset means having a willingness to have uncomfortable conversations to achieve goals. In any company, language is often at the intersection of diversity and inclusion; especially for those in larger, multinational industries. Having a corporate plan for diversity and inclusion and seeing it through means you truly care about giving employees a voice; while ignoring language barriers can present additional and unnecessary hurdles for your business. To gauge how diverse your workforce is, evaluating recruitment and retention policies and trends can help get you started.
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Corporate English Classes & Business Etiquette Rules Around the World

Corporate English classes can provide essential training that may have gone unnoticed. When businesses expand their companies to new countries in foreign markets, one can logically conclude that language training is required. After all, how can you be successful in a new country when your employees don't speak the language? Every foreign or domestic business, has identified the need for exceptional customer service and go to great lengths to ensure their customers have an excellent experience with representatives. But without offering corporate language training for employees, would business owners be made aware of proper phone and business etiquette around the world when expanding business into new countries? While it is possible, you may be wondering: Is There Really Such a Difference of Phone and Business Etiquette in Different Countries?
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4 Corporate English Jargon Phrases to Retire Immediately 

Corporate English jargon. Let's stop beating around the bush for a second: it is polarizing at best and utterly perplexing at worst. At some point, every adult will hear an idiom or phrase that doesn't make any sense. And then are forced to spend way too much time thinking about what it means, who bothered come up with the dreadful saying in the first place and then reaching through space and time to tell that mythical person off for creating the idiom that continues to torment poor unfortunate souls for the rest of time. If you have been there, I feel your pain. If you haven't, you are either lying to yourself or lying to the world so feel free to pick whatever tickles your fancy. Confusing at best, offensive at worst here are the top 4 worst and most confusing idioms to have been heard in corporate America:
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Language Training for the Hospitality Industry & Covid-19

Language training for the hospitality industry can really set businesses apart from their competition. Prior to Covid it was a common for hotels, cruise liners and restaurants at tourist attractions to employ a designated guest representative or manager who speaks English; referring all English-speaking guest inquiries to them. As these businesses in the hospitality industry are experiencing the highest employee turnover during The Great Resignation, is it truly worth it to rely on one person for all your English speaking customer needs?
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