Limited English employees is a phrase that refers to the working people, who have a limited understanding of the English language. This population might arrive from other countries to work in the United States. Either permanently, on a corporate sponsored visa, or to work in a flagship location overseas. There is a variety of companies, that operate in a variety of industries that are frequently looking to hire this population of workers. Those arriving at work with a Limited English Proficiency (LEP) might not be fully aware of- or forthcoming with- their true English proficiency level. So, what do your hiring managers do with this information?
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Employee ESL For Work & Developing A Language Support Plan
Employee ESL (or English as a Second Language) at work can be daunting. Both for your employees and for your leadership team, as well. Firstly, because people want to do well. ESL employees- who are already struggling to communicate- experience an increase in anxiety and a decrease in confidence. Their employers and leadership team most likely sees those struggles, but still need to see improvements. So how do you develop a language support system, that teaches ESL for work?
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ESL Employees, Work Language Skills & New Years Resolutions
ESL employees (who speak English as a Second Language) present unique opportunities for business owners and decision makers. Opportunities for growth- into new markets and new pathways for professional development. With each New Year, new opportunities to set new goals for employee development become more prescient than the last. But we aren't talking about setting New Years' goals like going to the gym more, or eating more green things... even though your doctor is actually right, and you really should start doing more of that. We mean setting corporate New Years' resolutions like improving employee language skills.
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Employee English Training During The Holidays
Employee English training should be a customized experience, as unique as your employees and their needs. Because the reality is, every person is coming to class with a different learning style. Additionally, some ESL employees might already have had some previous English training. Our online language training courses take a people centered, business focused approach to English training for work. Which just means that we go to great lengths to ensure your employees are getting the corporate language training instruction they need, for their specific roles at your company.
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