Tag Archives: business English classes

Corporate English Training To Avoid A.I Translation Mistakes

Corporate English training classes are all different, no matter you go. Some companies offer remote English training courses that are taught by Artificial Intelligence (A.I) because it is cheaper than hiring real instructors. Although that might align with your objectives in the short term, we don't believe those other corporate language training courses end up being cost effective in the long run. Students often fail to retain information, and often lack clarification which requires more dollars to be spent on another course. At Language Connections, we are confident that your employees will have made significant improvement when they complete any of our business English classes. How are we so confident? Because all of our courses provide a customized corporate language training experience that is tailored to your individual goals, with your specific input on curriculum. Our people centered, business focused approach allows us to provide online language training courses that focuses on your personal objectives. While also meeting your real employees where they at in their journey to learn English. We even provide options for multiple language training classes. When other companies offer English training for employees with an A.I instructor, mistakes are bound to happen. Here's 3 examples of A.I translation mistakes, and how they embarrassed companies...
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