Tag Archives: Corporate Language Training

Limited English Employees & Improving Language Proficiency

Limited English employees is a phrase that refers to the working people, who have a limited understanding of the English language. This population might arrive from other countries to work in the United States. Either permanently, on a corporate sponsored visa, or to work in a flagship location overseas. There is a variety of companies, that operate in a variety of industries that are frequently looking to hire this population of workers. Those arriving at work with a Limited English Proficiency (LEP) might not be fully aware of- or forthcoming with- their true English proficiency level. So, what do your hiring managers do with this information?
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Employee English Training During The Holidays

Employee English training should be a customized experience, as unique as your employees and their needs. Because the reality is, every person is coming to class with a different learning style. Additionally, some ESL employees might already have had some previous English training. Our online language training courses take a people centered, business focused approach to English training for work. Which just means that we go to great lengths to ensure your employees are getting the corporate language training instruction they need, for their specific roles at your company.
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Business English Training Motivates ESL Employees

Many businesses don't provide corporate sponsored English training as an employee benefit because they don't have the budget. Which is a valid reason. The thing is, you might be able to get business English training for free and we can help you determine if you qualify for the grant. By centering your ESL employees, we provide top quality online language training courses that are specific to your business needs, in a timely manner.
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Corporate English Training Is Transforming Workplaces

Corporate English training is a powerful tool that can make a huge impact for your business. Nearly every business owner and decision maker understands that communication is everything. If your employees can't communicate effectively, well, then your business just isn't going to get very far. When language barriers cause misunderstandings, incomplete deliverables, and interpersonal conflicts leadership needs to find solutions. Here's just a few of those solutions, and just how exactly corporate English training is transforming workplaces across multiple industries...
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