Tag Archives: employee English class

FREE Customized Employee English Course For Businesses In NJ

A customized employee English course is a worthwhile investment for any industry. Whether your business operates in blue collar industries like agriculture or manufacturing - or in white collar industries like finance - we have real solutions, for real people. Our corporate language training programs offer English training that is tailored to your actual business needs. Why? Because we understand that learning is not a one-size-fits-all experience. You might have several ESL employees at a beginners level and five at an advanced level. Or maybe some associates need to improve their business writing skills. Whatever your specific business objectives are, whatever your individual goals are for each associate... our customized language training works for real people. And the best part is it could be free if your business qualifies!
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Corporate Language Training Takes Businesses To A New Level

Corporate language training is a tool that more businesses should utilize, regardless of industry. Especially since most businesses face communication-based problems, you would expect corporate English training to be more common. In the literal sense, these "communication-based problems" can refer to anything from business writing for ESL associates, to improving pronunciation and speaking skills and everything in between. Because these are the ways in which we actually communicate...like reading, writing, and speaking. Other communication-based problems in the workplace center around misinterpretations of wording, or there could even be an underlying, interpersonal issue such as cultural competence that needs to be resolved for effective communication to ensue.
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Associate English Training Could Be Free For IL Businesses

Associate English training is a fantastic opportunity for your employees, and your business! And if your business is located in Illinois (IL) state, it could even be free. And by "free" we mean your company wouldn't have to pay for it. Like everything in life, the training comes with a cost, but you could use publicly available funding to finance it. How's that for business savvy?!
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ESL Workforce & How Businesses Get FREE English Class In NH

Your ESL workforce - that speaks English as a Second Language- has a lot to offer. Bringing a wide range of skills, perspectives and new approaches; your ESL workforce is able to contribute much to your business that you may not realize. But what happens when you need them to improve their English proficiency? When training costs a lot of time, money & other resources, decision makers must face a choice. Does the cost of onboarding outweigh the cost of providing adequate training? The answers may vary, and we encourage you to continue reading and come to your own conclusion...
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