Tag Archives: employee English lessons

Professional English Grammar & The Challenges Adult ESL Learners Face

Professional English- or communicating in a manner that is appropriate in the workplace- is a language skill that native English speakers must learn as they enter they enter the workforce. As with any language, there are different manners of speaking that are appropriate for different situations. For instance, native speakers will be more casual when speaking with friends, using slang words, speaking faster and becoming more animated while being less aware of tone, volume and accents. When it's time for that same person to go to work, they will change how they speak by using proper grammar structures, a bigger vocabulary, while speaking at a slower pace and lower volume. When it's time to go home, they may not speak as proper to their parents or respected individuals but not as casual as when hanging out with friends. Being aware of who you are talking to and knowing how to address them is a fundamental element of being a fluent English speaker. So what do business owners and decision makers do when they have workers who speak English as a Second Language (ESL) and need to provide them with a business English course?
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Corporate English Course For Non-Native Speakers

Corporate English course? That's right. Let's say you are a business owner, a CEO or a decision maker for some corporation, and you have 3 very talented associates on your team who speak English as a Second Language (ESL). Part of their job is to pitch ideas to clients during regular meetings, report on progress, and collaborate with coworkers internally until the project meets the clients' standards. In order to level the playing field, you want your ESL associates to present their own ideas during meetings, but they have expressed that they don't feel confident enough in their language skills to speak during client meetings. This is just one of countless examples that highlight the need for customized English training. All of our English training programs are people centered, business focused; and truly allow decision makers freedom to customize our curriculum to meet your business needs. By incorporating elements of our professional skills training programs with an industry specific English course, we are able to remain focused on your company objectives, while centering your associates and meeting them where they're at in their journey to learn English online. By offering your associates the opportunity to learn English online from our expert instructors, they are able to learn a valuable life skill from the comfort of their own home, while still getting all the benefits of an in-person classroom. When every single online language training course is 100 % LIVE and in-person, taught webinar style, the quality of our remote English classes is unmatched. One example of how we can deliver the solutions you need is by incorporating elements of professional meetings skills training into our business English program...
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English Lessons For Adults & Overcoming Common Language Mistakes

English lessons for adults can be a stressful experience for students- especially when they are corporate sponsored. Everyone wants to put their best foot forward at work in order to make a good impression. And when your boss needs you to improve upon English language skills, adults feel the pressure more and are slower learners than children who tend to pick up a new language easier and quicker. A silver lining here, is that all of our corporate language training programs are private classes, and never exceed 15 learners. Providing decision makers with the ability to customize is what sets us apart from similar companies- whether that means incorporating elements of professional skills trainings like combining negotiation skills with employee English lessons, or improving upon presentations and public speaking for ESL employees or even  industry specific English courses- all of our online language training for businesses can be customized to meet all of your business needs. Despite the class size, and the level of attention our expert instructors provide your associates, there is always room for improvement. Making mistakes should be encouraged, and associates shouldn't be afraid to make them during class. Making mistakes is one of the best ways to learn, and besides... everyone makes them at some point. So here's a few common mistakes and how to overcome them:
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English Training for Associates & The Importance Of Skills Training

English training for associates improves their grasp on the language, and all the soft skills required for effective communication. Among some of these soft skills are things like: negotiation, active listening, comprehension, and dictation which can all be incorporated into employee English lessons. English training for associates is a tool that decision makers and business owners can customize to fit their business objectives, while accommodating individual learning styles and levels of the associates actually taking the class. By giving leaders 100% customization of our curriculum- whether that requires industry specific English training or hosting our English classes onsite at your business location- we are putting you in the drivers' seat. Why do we do this? Because our success depends on how successful your associates are. A successful English language training course for companies cannot be one size fits all; there are too many industries and even within the same industry, there are different skills one company identifies that a competitor already succeeds in. We call this approach people centered (because your associates needs and learning styles are important to identify) and business focused; allowing us to meet your people where they are at and deliver the results you need to see. Corporate English language training looks different for construction workers than it does for white collar businesses but we still offer flexibility in class location. So whether your company requires onsite English training (because associates need to learn safety instructions for big machinery) or prefers online English training through our LIVE webinar portal- all of our classes are taught by expert instructors.
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