Tag Archives: employee ESL

English For Construction Workers – Before Disaster Strikes

English for construction workers is a powerful tool for company owners. Because the construction industry is one of the largest employers of ESL employees (those who speak English as a Second Language). It also is among the top industries with the most work-related accidents. So what are construction companies doing to avoid these accidents? Well, for starters there are mandatory OSHA trainings, certifications and safety trainings that help minimize accidents at work. But can employers take any steps beyond what is required, to prepare for disaster relief projects?
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Corporate Language Classes: Concurrent Spanish and English

Corporate language classes can be customized to suit your individual business needs. By allowing your business leaders and decision makers to customize our curriculum, we ensure that you will see more improvement than you would with traditional corporate language classes. Many of which cannot be customized. Our approach centers your actual employees, who will begin at different levels of understanding, and learn at different paces. All the while, remaining focused on your specific business objectives. Customize our business language courses to suit your specific industry, or tailored to your employees specific role in your company. For example, our curriculum can be modified to highlight specific professional skills like business writing or public speaking. We have talked a lot of those customizations, but do you know about concurrent language courses?
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How To Get FREE English Training For Work In CA

English training for work benefits your company, your customers and your employees enrolled in the course. So if you don't know how to do it yourself, and you don't have to spend company time or money on it... why not take the opportunity?! If everyone can get what they want, and it's mutually beneficial for everyone, the only down side is that you didn't discover this sooner. And we understand you might be wary, because "nothing in life is ever free." Which still remains true. The training itself isn't free, it's just that you aren't using company budget to pay for it. Let us explain.
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Worker ESL Could Be FREE For Your PA Business!

Worker ESL (English as a Second Language) could be free for your business in PA (Pennsylvania). In PA, the leading sectors in terms of economic contributions are agriculture, manufacturing and the service industry. Of these industries, foreign born workers account for 70% (of all agricultural positions), 14% (of all manufacturing positions) and 21% (of all service industry positions). For companies in all industries, providing training to ESL employees is an ideal concept. With many even believing that to do so would be a detriment to their business. Even going as far to believe that the time and the cost of providing essential trainings for employee development is unrealistic. But what if we told you it didn't have to be that way? In fact, what if we told you that you didn't have to spend your company money or time to provide this training? Would you believe us? If you are a business owner, or decision maker in Pennsylvania and are looking for a way to provide cost effective worker training & development, we have solutions you may not have even considered yet.
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