Tag Archives: English classes for construction workers

3 Kinds of Online Training Classes for Construction Companies

When it comes to training, construction companies in particular take it very seriously. Ensuring everything and everyone is in compliance with OSHA (the Occupational Safety and Health Administration) standards and regulations is imperative to ensuring worker safety. Every year, construction companies spend millions of dollars in violation fines after accidents, and only then does ensuring safety become a priority. One of the best things construction owners can do is evaluate their training materials and make a determination if it is comprehensive enough. If you have bilingual employees, are they receiving training in their native language? Are they able to communicate effectively with their coworkers? In providing English classes for construction workers we understand that effective communication is a skill that can be learned. With our completely customizable curriculum  we offer employers the freedom to personalize training to meet specific business objectives. Our online training classes for construction companies are offered online and on-site  to provide the best learning experience for your employees- whether it be remote video conference style approach to class  or in person at your worksite. So as construction company owners, have you considered expanding your onboarding itinerary to include any of these 3 classes?
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Online English Classes for Companies & Benefits for 3 Top Industries

Online English classes for companies is a beneficial investment in any industry. Whether it's teaching employees soft skills like public speaking, industry specific language training, or corporate language lessons; there is a solution for all your business needs. All of our online language training courses are people centered, business focused and uniquely formatted to fit your specific needs. What does that mean? To put it simply, we center the individual needs of your employees while remaining focused on your specific business objectives. Let's say you have an employee named Michael who is a seasoned, expert welder who you feel would make a great trainer for newer employees- but he has a very thick accent that your team has trouble understanding. Let's say you are also expanding your manufacturing company abroad, and you need a few employees to learn the local language. We will work with you to design a program that can get all your employees where you want them to be while meeting them individually at their own level; hence, people centered, business focused. All of our online English Classes are: 100% customizable  Taught by experts  Conducted online via live webinar format 
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