Tag Archives: English Speaking skills

Online ESL Courses For Migrant And Domestic Farm Workers

Online ESL - English as a Second Language - courses don't have to be a one-size-fits-all. In fact, they are more effective if they aren't. Specifically with adult learning, different people are coming into class with different objectives for being there, every adult is on a different learning-level and everyone learns at their own pace. So then, how do we teach a group of adults to learn English online for their employer? The good news is: we know what we're doing. Online language training for businesses is people centered, business focused meaning that we evaluate and meet your employees where they are at in their journey to learn English; while remaining focused on your personal business objectives. Do you need your workers to be able to speak professionally to customers? Do you need them to confidently deliver presentations? Whatever you need from them, we will work to ensure your goals are met by providing private, corporate sponsored English lessons to small groups of up to 15 people. As with all of our online English classes, your employees will receive the highest quality of remote learning available, with unique and engaging courses that are convenient, and delivered with LIVE instructors who teach every class in real time. Specifically with migrant and domestic farm workers, employers want to know that they are making a sound investment. Depending on immigration visa category, migrant workers can remain in the United States for up to 3 years- although, the majority stay for 1-2 years. So, how can employers be confident that they will see a return on their investment?
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