Corporate English training is a powerful tool that many businesses are incorporating into onboarding experiences. Especially for businesses that are currently operating in overseas markets, and those that want to. Because whether yours operates in a blue or white collar industry, corporate language training can be customized to fit your exact needs. For instance, English language training could be customized to teach blue collar ESL employees (who speak English as a Second Language) OSHA safety trainings. On the other hand, white collar ESL associates could benefit more from an online English training course that emphasizes professional skills. Whatever your specific requirements are, customized corporate language training is flexible in ways that other providers are not. We can even provide concurrent language classes, where one teaches Spanish and the other teaches English. So once you determine that your ESL employees need corporate English training, what are the next steps?
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Customized Corporate Language Training & Why It Works
Customized corporate language training is designed around your specific needs for your company and associates. By encouraging your leaders and decision makers to customize our curriculum, we put the power back in your hands. Because ultimately, our corporate language training can address any pain points your business needs it to. For construction companies, it could look like including OSHA safety trainings into a business ESL program (that teaches English as a Second Language). Where hyper-specific, work-related terminology and procedures are the vocabulary. Rather than the standardized, "run-of-the-mill" experience you find with typical online English training.
To be fair, there are some advantages to those other English training courses. For one, they come at a cheaper cost, so if saving capital is your ultimate motivator you should use another provider for your language training needs. But when you can get a superior product that could potentially be free (with an English language training grant), why would you choose anything else?
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Online Employee English Training For The Service Industry
Online employee English training is great for your customers, your business, and your employees. For one thing it is convenient. All you need is stable wifi and your employees can attend the same course from different states- and even different countries. But more than the convenience, it is completely customizable to your needs. What sets us apart is that we encourage company owners and decision makers to customize our curriculum. Your employees can learn industry vocabulary, technical terms, and improve upon different aspects of the English language that would be most beneficial to you and your company. Sound too good to be true? Here's some practical ways that the service industry has benefitted from our corporate English courses:
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Worker English Training For Farmers & Agriculture Industry
Worker English training that is specific to your farming business might seem like a dream come true. But we can assure you, it's not. By allowing business owners and decision makers to customize our curriculum however you see fit we provide you with a product that will meet - or ideally- exceed, your expectations. Our English language training programs offer flexible language learning solutions to help your employees succeed and thrive.
By tailoring our courses to your specific industry, our corporate language training is specific and delivers timely solutions to your individual needs. The farming and agriculture industries in particular have a revolving cycle of workers, who tend to work seasonal positions, while attracting migrant workers. With such a robust cycle of employment, hiring managers and farm owners need to have reliable communication. Especially when operating heavy machinery.
Online English classes are specific, in that they teach what you need to be taught. We don't waste time teaching useless phrases and vocabulary that will never get applied in real life. Call us crazy, but we don't think that is the best use of time, effort or money. Instead, we meet with you to determine what your goals are. Then, we evaluate your employees who will actually be learning. It is only then that we create a customized English course specific to your industry and goals that are realistic for your employees. Online ESL courses like ours focus on the vocabulary you want and need to be taught. Here's some examples:
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