Associate English training is a fantastic opportunity for your employees, and your business! And if your business is located in Illinois (IL) state, it could even be free. And by "free" we mean your company wouldn't have to pay for it. Like everything in life, the training comes with a cost, but you could use publicly available funding to finance it. How's that for business savvy?!
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Worker ESL Could Be FREE For Your PA Business!
Worker ESL (English as a Second Language) could be free for your business in PA (Pennsylvania). In PA, the leading sectors in terms of economic contributions are agriculture, manufacturing and the service industry. Of these industries, foreign born workers account for 70% (of all agricultural positions), 14% (of all manufacturing positions) and 21% (of all service industry positions). For companies in all industries, providing training to ESL employees is an ideal concept. With many even believing that to do so would be a detriment to their business. Even going as far to believe that the time and the cost of providing essential trainings for employee development is unrealistic. But what if we told you it didn't have to be that way? In fact, what if we told you that you didn't have to spend your company money or time to provide this training? Would you believe us? If you are a business owner, or decision maker in Pennsylvania and are looking for a way to provide cost effective worker training & development, we have solutions you may not have even considered yet.
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English Training for Associates & The Importance Of Skills Training
English training for associates improves their grasp on the language, and all the soft skills required for effective communication. Among some of these soft skills are things like: negotiation, active listening, comprehension, and dictation which can all be incorporated into employee English lessons. English training for associates is a tool that decision makers and business owners can customize to fit their business objectives, while accommodating individual learning styles and levels of the associates actually taking the class. By giving leaders 100% customization of our curriculum- whether that requires industry specific English training or hosting our English classes onsite at your business location- we are putting you in the drivers' seat. Why do we do this? Because our success depends on how successful your associates are. A successful English language training course for companies cannot be one size fits all; there are too many industries and even within the same industry, there are different skills one company identifies that a competitor already succeeds in. We call this approach people centered (because your associates needs and learning styles are important to identify) and business focused; allowing us to meet your people where they are at and deliver the results you need to see.
Corporate English language training looks different for construction workers than it does for white collar businesses but we still offer flexibility in class location. So whether your company requires onsite English training (because associates need to learn safety instructions for big machinery) or prefers online English training through our LIVE webinar portal- all of our classes are taught by expert instructors.
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