Tag Archives: professional English grammar

Corporate Language Training & Customized ESL For Farmers

Corporate language training classes may not come to mind when you first think of onboarding employees... but they should! Whether you are a business owner or decision maker, our corporate English training programs can be tailored to fit all of your requirements. For instance, worker English training for farmers could be utilized to teach ESL workers (who speak English as a Second Language) how to operate farm equipment safely. Whereas other online ESL courses might need to be customized to train farmers market employees in customer service. That's the great thing about customized ESL - it can be anything your company and employees need it to be. Our expert instructors have real life expertise required to get your ESL employees where you need them to be. Because our online language training courses are people centered, and business focused. By centering your real employees in our approach, we ensure that the curriculum is delivered at their level of understanding, and continues at their pace. Why? Because true understanding takes time and patience. All this is going on while remaining focused on your individual business objectives. A corporate English course should never be a "one-size-fits-all" curriculea. Here's 3 ways farmers are customizing theirs...
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Online Language Courses Can Teach Employees Listening Comprehension

Online language courses can be anything you need them to be. Whether it's teaching employee ESL (English as a Second Language) or a professional skill like listening comprehension, or a combination of both - our expert instructors  will work to find a people centered, business focused  solution that actually works. When you notice your employees struggling but don't know how to help- that's where we step in. By centering them in their journey to learn English, we are able to meet them where they are and develop their English language skills to an improved level that you need them to reach. With remote classes that are 100% LIVE our courses are convenient, yet personable and made possible through our video webinar technology  that isn't available with similar competitor classes. By offering business leaders and owners the freedom to customize our curriculum , we will work to evaluate your employees to improve their English communication skills so that their job performance and your business see a marked improvement in relation to realistic goals that we work to develop with you. Corporate English courses that emphasize professional skills trainings like listening comprehension, associate ESL for those struggling with pronunciation, or professional English grammar are just as common as industry specific English training that are centered around communicating for work in specific fields like manufacturing, construction and tech for example. With online language training for businesses the possibilities are truly endless regarding what we can do for you and your associates. One of the biggest challenges with English courses for companies is learning how to set and manage realistic expectations while addressing concerns, and improving communication skills. Here is an example how we can improve listening comprehension with associates...
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Online ESL Courses For Migrant And Domestic Farm Workers

Online ESL - English as a Second Language - courses don't have to be a one-size-fits-all. In fact, they are more effective if they aren't. Specifically with adult learning, different people are coming into class with different objectives for being there, every adult is on a different learning-level and everyone learns at their own pace. So then, how do we teach a group of adults to learn English online for their employer? The good news is: we know what we're doing. Online language training for businesses is people centered, business focused meaning that we evaluate and meet your employees where they are at in their journey to learn English; while remaining focused on your personal business objectives. Do you need your workers to be able to speak professionally to customers? Do you need them to confidently deliver presentations? Whatever you need from them, we will work to ensure your goals are met by providing private, corporate sponsored English lessons to small groups of up to 15 people. As with all of our online English classes, your employees will receive the highest quality of remote learning available, with unique and engaging courses that are convenient, and delivered with LIVE instructors who teach every class in real time. Specifically with migrant and domestic farm workers, employers want to know that they are making a sound investment. Depending on immigration visa category, migrant workers can remain in the United States for up to 3 years- although, the majority stay for 1-2 years. So, how can employers be confident that they will see a return on their investment?
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English Courses For Training Spanish Speaking Employees

English courses can help employers in all industries train Spanish speaking employees, and help them find additional success in their careers. Whether your business operates in a blue collar industry like manufacturing or construction, or a white collar industry- ensuring that you can communicate with your employees, and that they can communicate with each other is fundamental to success. English courses for employees doesn't have to be a standard ESL (English as a Second Language) course, either. In fact, many business owners and decision makers benefit from customizing our curriculum to fit all of their needs. For instance, some industries provide online English courses to Spanish speaking employees that is tailored to safety trainings for operating heavy machinery. Other industries and companies benefit more by customizing English classes to build professional skills like leadership training or professional English grammar. Whatever your specific needs are, we specialize in creating corporate English courses that are people centered, business focused that work for everyone. We say this because we truly center the needs of your people, your workers, by meeting them where they're at in their journey towards learning English as a Second Language, delivering class at their level and pace. Yet remaining business focused, because we won't lose sight of your goals. With our corporate English course, we remain focused on delivering the results you need to see, and bringing your workers where you need them to be. Here's a closer look at how English courses for Spanish workers can be right for you and them...
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