Business English and General English
There are more similarities than differences between Business English and General English. They both require the development of core skills such as: speaking, vocabulary building, reading, writing grammar, pronunciation and listening comprehension.
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How Business English Can Give Your Company the Boost it Needs
English is the de facto language used in today’s business world and is essential in the global economy that is becoming more and more competitive by the day. Learning Business English can be beneficial for an employer as well as an employee since it can lead to career advancement and business growth.
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Top 5 Reasons to Learn a Foreign Language
“I wish I could learn how to speak…”
We’ve all imagined how learning a foreign language would change our lives. It’s like hitting the Powerball, except the odds of learning Spanish or Chinese is way higher than 1 in 292 million.
There is no good reason why you shouldn’t consider learning a new language, while there are...
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