
English Courses For Companies And How To Set Expectations

English courses for companies can be as specific or as broad as you need them to be. Our approach to online corporate English courses incorporates your business goals and objectives into the curriculum to provide a truly customized learning experience for your employees. The reason? Not everyone learns at the same pace, and some people in class might have previously studied English at some point in the past, and therefore have a leg-up on their coworkers. Everyone approaches learning differently, which is why we take a people centered, business focused  approach with our corporate ESL (English as a Second Language) classes. By centering your employees, who will actually be learning in our corporate English courses, they are more likely to retain the information as it is relevant to their real-life jobs because the English they learn is business focused. Taught by expert instructors, our English courses for employees are remote and 100% LIVE with real time instruction to provide the most convenient and successful online learning experience possible. So what kind of expectations do you need to set with your employees before class begins? And how long will it take for them to become fluent in English?
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Online ESL Courses For Migrant And Domestic Farm Workers

Online ESL - English as a Second Language - courses don't have to be a one-size-fits-all. In fact, they are more effective if they aren't. Specifically with adult learning, different people are coming into class with different objectives for being there, every adult is on a different learning-level and everyone learns at their own pace. So then, how do we teach a group of adults to learn English online for their employer? The good news is: we know what we're doing. Online language training for businesses is people centered, business focused meaning that we evaluate and meet your employees where they are at in their journey to learn English; while remaining focused on your personal business objectives. Do you need your workers to be able to speak professionally to customers? Do you need them to confidently deliver presentations? Whatever you need from them, we will work to ensure your goals are met by providing private, corporate sponsored English lessons to small groups of up to 15 people. As with all of our online English classes, your employees will receive the highest quality of remote learning available, with unique and engaging courses that are convenient, and delivered with LIVE instructors who teach every class in real time. Specifically with migrant and domestic farm workers, employers want to know that they are making a sound investment. Depending on immigration visa category, migrant workers can remain in the United States for up to 3 years- although, the majority stay for 1-2 years. So, how can employers be confident that they will see a return on their investment?
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English Courses For Training Spanish Speaking Employees

English courses can help employers in all industries train Spanish speaking employees, and help them find additional success in their careers. Whether your business operates in a blue collar industry like manufacturing or construction, or a white collar industry- ensuring that you can communicate with your employees, and that they can communicate with each other is fundamental to success. English courses for employees doesn't have to be a standard ESL (English as a Second Language) course, either. In fact, many business owners and decision makers benefit from customizing our curriculum to fit all of their needs. For instance, some industries provide online English courses to Spanish speaking employees that is tailored to safety trainings for operating heavy machinery. Other industries and companies benefit more by customizing English classes to build professional skills like leadership training or professional English grammar. Whatever your specific needs are, we specialize in creating corporate English courses that are people centered, business focused that work for everyone. We say this because we truly center the needs of your people, your workers, by meeting them where they're at in their journey towards learning English as a Second Language, delivering class at their level and pace. Yet remaining business focused, because we won't lose sight of your goals. With our corporate English course, we remain focused on delivering the results you need to see, and bringing your workers where you need them to be. Here's a closer look at how English courses for Spanish workers can be right for you and them...
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English Courses for Employees Can Boost Your Business

English courses for employees is an investment every savvy business owner should consider. Especially for businesses in blue collar industries like construction and manufacturing, ensuring your employees can understand safety instructions and be understood is as much essential to your bottom line as it is to your responsibility to your workers. In these industries where operating heavy machinery is part of the job description, employers have a responsibility to ensure worker safety by providing safety instructions and training in a way that makes sense to their workers. Even for white collar industries, English courses for employees can serve as a meaningful step in career development and professional improvement. Here's some of the benefits that English courses for employees has on themselves, on the business they work for and the types of courses we can provide:
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