Category Archives: Blog

3 Useful Tips to Host Successful Corporate Language Training in the Remote Age

Remote Corporate Language Training

In today’s global marketplace, and amidst a sudden shift to remote hiring and working, the companies that span cities, countries, and continents have found themselves in a unique position. Without commuting and traveling, telecommutes and webinars are more common than ever. However, it remains imperative to provide employees with ESL training, while...
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The Benefits of Successful Remote English Classes Online

Benefits of English Classes Online

English classes online are intended to increase the effectiveness of limited English proficiency employees in their communication with co-workers, managers, and supervisors in English. Finding ways to continue language lessons for employees with live instructors is imperative because, as humans, we intuitively learn through person-to-person interaction. Online English classes...
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Is Business English the Key to Corporate Viability?

Do Employees Need Business English?

Anyone with experience in a corporate setting will know that the predominant language of business is English. However, many employees lack the appropriate level of business English proficiency to succeed while working remotely. Luckily, corporate English language training can solidify your company’s global presence while also teaching employees a...
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