Tag Archives: corporate English language course

ESL Workforce & How Businesses Get FREE English Class In NH

Your ESL workforce - that speaks English as a Second Language- has a lot to offer. Bringing a wide range of skills, perspectives and new approaches; your ESL workforce is able to contribute much to your business that you may not realize. But what happens when you need them to improve their English proficiency? When training costs a lot of time, money & other resources, decision makers must face a choice. Does the cost of onboarding outweigh the cost of providing adequate training? The answers may vary, and we encourage you to continue reading and come to your own conclusion...
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Workforce ESL Class & Getting FREE Employee Training In MA

Workforce ESL class is a tool that company owners and leaders can use to teach employees how to speak English as a Second Language (ESL) or how to improve. Most language training companies out there only offer standard English training, that is self-taught through a book or pre-recorded videos. And that is fine, but it most likely won't provide the return on investment you are looking for. Which is a good thing, because we aren't most companies. We believe every company, every associate and every industry have different needs when it comes to online language training courses. Some may need ESL employees to improve their writing skills for their marketing jobs, while others require ESL for construction workers that focuses on safety trainings. By providing fully a fully customized language training experience, we remain focused on your business objectives while centering the needs of your associates enrolled in the course. Whether that is through our professional skills programs or a corporate ESL course that is industry specific or something else you require. The best part? You might be able to offer employee ESL without spending company money...
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Customized English Training For The Hospitality Industry

Customized English training is available for most major industries. Specifically talking about the hospitality industry, language training can be so beneficial for employees and corporations alike. For example, English courses for employees provide lifelong transferrable skills. For the employer, corporate English courses can improve communication, the overall working environment and productivity. Whether you own or manage a hotel, casino, or a transportation business- there are always things we can do to improve communication. Especially for the hospitality industry, that sees travelers from all corners of the world, communication is essential. You want to make sure your employees communicate with each other and your customers. You need to trust that they can thrive in any situation that presents itself. Working in the hospitality industry often means private events, coordinating tourist activities, and sharing information with guests in a meaningful way. And especially in this line of work, every new day is different than the one before. So you and your leadership team need to trust that your employees can communicate in any situation. When we say our online English classes are fully customizable we mean it. Maybe you have several employees who need to need to improve their pronunciation but you want the majority to improve their vocabulary for their reception desk positions. We are able to work with you to devise a corporate English language course that meets your specific business objectives in a realistic way for your employees to learn. English courses for companies can even focus on industry specific vocabulary! Here's some examples...
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Language Courses, Cultural Diversity & Celebrating New Years

Language courses can help leaders and decision makers less apprehensive to address cultural diversity at work. Addressing cultural diversity in the office isn't a bad thing. Oftentimes, it's HOW that cultural diversity is addressed that causes issues. When you are working with multinational businesses, including diversity and inclusion training in your onboarding process is a great way to get ahead of problems before they happen. Every company in every industry- whether it's manufacturing or the hospitality industry or something else- can benefit from a corporate English language course.
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