Tag Archives: Cultural competence

Corporate Language Training Takes Businesses To A New Level

Corporate language training is a tool that more businesses should utilize, regardless of industry. Especially since most businesses face communication-based problems, you would expect corporate English training to be more common. In the literal sense, these "communication-based problems" can refer to anything from business writing for ESL associates, to improving pronunciation and speaking skills and everything in between. Because these are the ways in which we actually communicate...like reading, writing, and speaking. Other communication-based problems in the workplace center around misinterpretations of wording, or there could even be an underlying, interpersonal issue such as cultural competence that needs to be resolved for effective communication to ensue.
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Corporate English Course For Non-Native Speakers

Corporate English course? That's right. Let's say you are a business owner, a CEO or a decision maker for some corporation, and you have 3 very talented associates on your team who speak English as a Second Language (ESL). Part of their job is to pitch ideas to clients during regular meetings, report on progress, and collaborate with coworkers internally until the project meets the clients' standards. In order to level the playing field, you want your ESL associates to present their own ideas during meetings, but they have expressed that they don't feel confident enough in their language skills to speak during client meetings. This is just one of countless examples that highlight the need for customized English training. All of our English training programs are people centered, business focused; and truly allow decision makers freedom to customize our curriculum to meet your business needs. By incorporating elements of our professional skills training programs with an industry specific English course, we are able to remain focused on your company objectives, while centering your associates and meeting them where they're at in their journey to learn English online. By offering your associates the opportunity to learn English online from our expert instructors, they are able to learn a valuable life skill from the comfort of their own home, while still getting all the benefits of an in-person classroom. When every single online language training course is 100 % LIVE and in-person, taught webinar style, the quality of our remote English classes is unmatched. One example of how we can deliver the solutions you need is by incorporating elements of professional meetings skills training into our business English program...
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Professional Skills Trainings For Associates Can Include Presentations

Professional skills trainings for ESL employees (those who speak English as a Second Language) can cover a wide range of different ESL speaking skills; which aren't covered as in depth in many of those standard, run-of-the-mill online ESL courses. Specializing in private and small group English classes, we allow decision makers the unique ability to customize any of our courses to your specific needs. Customized  corporate English class means that while some decision makers request elements of business writing skills for ESL employees, others may want theirs to focus on industry specific employee ESL that is designed to enhance OSHA training. Whether you have 10 associates who are on the same level, or a few that have different needs- we apply a people centered, business focused approach to all of our online language training courses. When designing a program for your associates, our expert instructors will teach at a level and pace set by your associates' needs while centering the needs of your business and objectives to deliver the results you need to see. LIVE, video-chat style class sessions are an engaging, and unique in a way that competition simply cannot compare to. One of the unique ways we allow decision makers to customize our curriculum is by incorporating professional skills trainings- like giving presentations.
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