Tag Archives: Employee language training

English Training For Tech Companies & 3 Reasons To Book Your FREE Demo

English training for tech companies is an especially useful resource that shouldn't be overlooked when creating a new employee onboarding experience. Many H.R (Human Resources) professionals seek a 360 approach when creating an employee training package, but often overlook the simplest, most rudimentary component: corporate English training. When compared to multi-national tech companies, this is a touch more understandable for those smaller, "mom-and-pop" businesses local to the United States. But when you stop to really think about it, even these smaller businesses would be wise to expand their new employee training plan- especially when the average company spends between $7,500 - $28,000 onboarding a single new associate. By expanding your onboarding training to include English training for ESL employees, you get higher quality employees  from a larger pool of candidates, and they receive training they will use for the rest of their lives even after they leave the position. Employees who receive this kind of comprehensive training are more likely to stay employed for a longer period of time; because their employer is financially invested in their development. The IT companies that recognize this end up saving money   year-over-year by actively lowering turnover rate. Not convinced yet? If you are an HR professional or company leader, here's 3 reasons to book your free demo today...
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Workforce English Training for Manufacturers Is Essential In 3 States

Workforce English training is an important element of onboarding that business owners should not overlook. When approximately 67% of the U.S manufacturing workforce speaks Spanish as a primary or secondary language; deciding whether or not to offer workforce English training should be an easy one. This is an industry where working with heavy machinery, and operating dangerous equipment is a requirement for the job. If your workers have a hard time understanding you and vice versa misunderstandings become more frequent, and accidents start happening at work. In 2020 OSHA stated that language barriers are a factor in 25% of all workplace accidents. If factory owners could avoid even 10% of accidents by providing language training for workers hundreds of millions of dollars could be spent somewhere other than paying off lawsuits and what workers comp requires. But who are these workers, and where are they working? How can English training for companies help everyone in your factory?
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3 Useful Tips to Host Successful Corporate Language Training in the Remote Age

Remote Corporate Language Training

In today’s global marketplace, and amidst a sudden shift to remote hiring and working, the companies that span cities, countries, and continents have found themselves in a unique position. Without commuting and traveling, telecommutes and webinars are more common than ever. However, it remains imperative to provide employees with ESL training, while...
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The Benefits of Successful Remote English Classes Online

Benefits of English Classes Online

English classes online are intended to increase the effectiveness of limited English proficiency employees in their communication with co-workers, managers, and supervisors in English. Finding ways to continue language lessons for employees with live instructors is imperative because, as humans, we intuitively learn through person-to-person interaction. Online English classes...
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