Tag Archives: English classes for companies

FREE Customized Employee English Course For Businesses In NJ

A customized employee English course is a worthwhile investment for any industry. Whether your business operates in blue collar industries like agriculture or manufacturing - or in white collar industries like finance - we have real solutions, for real people. Our corporate language training programs offer English training that is tailored to your actual business needs. Why? Because we understand that learning is not a one-size-fits-all experience. You might have several ESL employees at a beginners level and five at an advanced level. Or maybe some associates need to improve their business writing skills. Whatever your specific business objectives are, whatever your individual goals are for each associate... our customized language training works for real people. And the best part is it could be free if your business qualifies!
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3 Advantages Of Live-Stream Remote English Training

Remote English training might seem like it's all the same regardless of where you go. How different can one course be when compared against all the others? As it turns out, quite a lot can be unique. When you think about online English training, you might think of companies like DuoLingo or Rosetta Stone. And while these companies are popular for a reason, business owners should have specific objectives in mind for their initiatives. So when it comes to selecting English courses for employees, it only makes sense then to choose the language training company that can exceed those specific expectations. Here's 3 ways our English training courses are unique, and 3 advantages of choosing us for all your language training requirements. Here's 3 ways our English training courses are unique, and 3 advantages of choosing us for all your language training requirements.
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English For Professionals: 3 Skills For The I.T Industry

English for professionals is a completely different experience than your standard ESL (English as a Second Language) classes. For one thing, our English classes for companies can be as specific as you need them to be. Our corporate English training puts decision makers and leaders in the drivers seat with our industry specific English courses. Tell us your goals, and let us evaluate your ESL employees current English proficiency. We will devise a course specific to your individual needs, and improve your employees English by the end of class.
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Corporate ESL Courses Keep Hospitals Safe

Corporate ESL courses do a lot more than teach English. At least ours do- we can't speak for the other ones. You know, the pre-recorded. ones. And they all have a million videos that go too fast and too slow all at the same time. That's something that sets us apart from the competition. All of our remote courses are taught 100% LIVE ✅ through video-chat webinars. Meaning your employees receive all the convenience of remote learning, AND all the benefits of a traditional classroom experience. Why do we do this? Because we believe the best learning happens in real time✅; not through a book or on your own. As hospital owners and decision makers, ensuring the safety of your patients and workers is a top priority... At least we hope so. When it's time to think about workplace safety, we tend to think in terms of practicality. Surgeons wash their hands before procedures. Doctors wear masks and scrub in. We ensure all surfaces and tools are sterilized and prepared. There are procedures and protocols to follow for all of this... because ensuring safety is a priority. So then how are corporate ESL courses (that teach English as a Second Language) keeping hospitals safe as well?
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