Tag Archives: English Language Training

Associate English Training Could Be Free For IL Businesses

Associate English training is a fantastic opportunity for your employees, and your business! And if your business is located in Illinois (IL) state, it could even be free. And by "free" we mean your company wouldn't have to pay for it. Like everything in life, the training comes with a cost, but you could use publicly available funding to finance it. How's that for business savvy?!
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3 Advantages Of Live-Stream Remote English Training

Remote English training might seem like it's all the same regardless of where you go. How different can one course be when compared against all the others? As it turns out, quite a lot can be unique. When you think about online English training, you might think of companies like DuoLingo or Rosetta Stone. And while these companies are popular for a reason, business owners should have specific objectives in mind for their initiatives. So when it comes to selecting English courses for employees, it only makes sense then to choose the language training company that can exceed those specific expectations. Here's 3 ways our English training courses are unique, and 3 advantages of choosing us for all your language training requirements. Here's 3 ways our English training courses are unique, and 3 advantages of choosing us for all your language training requirements.
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ESL For Businesses Located In NY Could Be FREE

Providing ESL for businesses can open so many doors for your associates, and your company in general. For associates enrolled in English as a Second Language classes, they will be learn language skills they will use for the rest of their lives. Meanwhile your business will save money in the long run, and lower turnover rates. Over the years, countless studies have proven that employees are more likely to remain employed with companies that provide learning and development opportunities. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics 2023 report, the United States average annual turnover rate is 47% - where 20% is considered high. Additionally, over 4 million U.S employees leave their job each month, 70% of which is voluntary, and 1 in 3 of those who quit did not even have a job lined up. When the cost of replacing a singular employee ranges from .5 - 2 times their annual salary, businesses everywhere should be seriously considering any initiative that can improve employee satisfaction.
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ESL Workforce & How Businesses Get FREE English Class In NH

Your ESL workforce - that speaks English as a Second Language- has a lot to offer. Bringing a wide range of skills, perspectives and new approaches; your ESL workforce is able to contribute much to your business that you may not realize. But what happens when you need them to improve their English proficiency? When training costs a lot of time, money & other resources, decision makers must face a choice. Does the cost of onboarding outweigh the cost of providing adequate training? The answers may vary, and we encourage you to continue reading and come to your own conclusion...
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