Tag Archives: English training for associates

Laboratory Safety Starts With Communication

Laboratory safety refers to a lot of things. It can refer to the protocol for handling chemicals, operating heavy machinery and even communication. How we communicate with each other usually varies on the situation. But the primary goal is to relay a message, and ensure it was received in the manner intended. Certain things can make it more difficult to understand, especially in a working environment. As a business owner that works in a laboratory, your main objective is to ensure worker safety and many of them tend to have a goal to improve communication. But what if we told you that worker safety and communication aren't separate things? Here's how we can help...
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Professional English Grammar & The Challenges Adult ESL Learners Face

Professional English- or communicating in a manner that is appropriate in the workplace- is a language skill that native English speakers must learn as they enter they enter the workforce. As with any language, there are different manners of speaking that are appropriate for different situations. For instance, native speakers will be more casual when speaking with friends, using slang words, speaking faster and becoming more animated while being less aware of tone, volume and accents. When it's time for that same person to go to work, they will change how they speak by using proper grammar structures, a bigger vocabulary, while speaking at a slower pace and lower volume. When it's time to go home, they may not speak as proper to their parents or respected individuals but not as casual as when hanging out with friends. Being aware of who you are talking to and knowing how to address them is a fundamental element of being a fluent English speaker. So what do business owners and decision makers do when they have workers who speak English as a Second Language (ESL) and need to provide them with a business English course?
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Speaking Skills For Business English And How To Improve At Home

Improving speaking skills for business English can seem harder than it is. Not only are you trying to learn a new language, but you are trying to learn a niche of English that is specific to an office. The good news is, all of our corporate language training programs can be specifically customized to fit all of your business needs. With an emphasis on personalized English training, we offer private and small group English training , that combines all the convenience of fully remote classes with the advantages of in-person learning; with our unique and engaging, LIVE video chat style lessons . For ESL learners, business English can seem like a whole different language at times. For company owners and decision makers, it is important to remember to stay positive and to provide encouragement and support where necessary. And while there isn't a quick fix, just like every other skill, anyone can improve their English dictation and pronunciation with some time, practice and patience. 
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Get FREE Online Employee Language Training In MA or NY & Get Paid?!

Yes, you read that title correctly, and no, we don't blame you for questioning it either. Online employee language training is an important resource that many companies have overlooked. To their credit it may not make as much sense, as it does for those in blue collar industries or that are multi-national; but every business owner should be aware of its existence. All businesses in blue collar industries- like construction or manufacturing- in particular should not only be aware that language training online exists, but that it works and can save thousands to millions of dollars. When a workforce operates with ESL (English as a Second Language) employees, there is a greater chance for misinterpretation. We aren't saying EVERY business faces this problem, but it is common enough for middle managers to warrant employee development plans. Especially for businesses in blue collar industries, where working with complex and heavy equipment is part of the job description, a simple miscommunication can have bigger, even life-threatening consequences for your company. Sure, an investing in online English courses costs money up front, but when you compare that cost against a an injury or wrongful death lawsuit because someone misunderstood instruction, you have to ask yourself... is the risk worth that cost? And to be clear, the risk of NOT investing is more than money- it's a gamble with your employees safety and lives.
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