Tag Archives: English training for companies

Corporate Language Classes: Concurrent Spanish and English

Corporate language classes can be customized to suit your individual business needs. By allowing your business leaders and decision makers to customize our curriculum, we ensure that you will see more improvement than you would with traditional corporate language classes. Many of which cannot be customized. Our approach centers your actual employees, who will begin at different levels of understanding, and learn at different paces. All the while, remaining focused on your specific business objectives. Customize our business language courses to suit your specific industry, or tailored to your employees specific role in your company. For example, our curriculum can be modified to highlight specific professional skills like business writing or public speaking. We have talked a lot of those customizations, but do you know about concurrent language courses?
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Corporate Language Training & Customized ESL For Farmers

Corporate language training classes may not come to mind when you first think of onboarding employees... but they should! Whether you are a business owner or decision maker, our corporate English training programs can be tailored to fit all of your requirements. For instance, worker English training for farmers could be utilized to teach ESL workers (who speak English as a Second Language) how to operate farm equipment safely. Whereas other online ESL courses might need to be customized to train farmers market employees in customer service. That's the great thing about customized ESL - it can be anything your company and employees need it to be. Our expert instructors have real life expertise required to get your ESL employees where you need them to be. Because our online language training courses are people centered, and business focused. By centering your real employees in our approach, we ensure that the curriculum is delivered at their level of understanding, and continues at their pace. Why? Because true understanding takes time and patience. All this is going on while remaining focused on your individual business objectives. A corporate English course should never be a "one-size-fits-all" curriculea. Here's 3 ways farmers are customizing theirs...
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Employee English Class and Safety In Factories

Employee English class is as much about worker safety as it is about improving communication. Typically, blue collar manufacturing businesses tend to hire more ESL workers (who speak English as a Second Language). As a business owner, you have a responsibility to provide every worker with a safe working environment. Usually this means going over the safety trainings again, having proper signage throughout the workspace etc. Business owners and decision makers should be prepared to take additional steps to ensure worker safety. If an ESL employee is struggling with pronunciation, how can they communicate to the rest of their team? If they can't understand terminology needed for their job, how can you trust they can follow instruction? Especially in big factories, communication is as much about safety as any other protocol you are required to follow.
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Language Classes For Employees & Safety In Landscaping

Language classes for employees don't have to start and end with traditional ESL (English as a Second Language). Giving you the freedom to customize our curriculum✅, we allow decision makers to create an online ESL course that actually works for you. There are so many good things that come from providing English courses for employees. But one of the biggest is peace of mind. As one of the most hazardous industries in the service sector, business owners and decision makers must consider the risks that come with the work. Contact with heavy machinery, exposure to the elements, electrical currents, slips or falls and working closely with hazardous materials come with the territory. In fact, landscaping is one of the most hazardous industries in the service sector. According to the 2020 census bureau report, an average of 197 landscapers die from job-related injuries each year. Per 100,000 workers, there are approximately 25 deaths compared to the 3.8 for all industries. So, when 1 in 3 landscaping employees in the United States are foreign born, those decision makers have a lot more to consider by way of employee safety.
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