Tag Archives: English

English For Construction Workers – Before Disaster Strikes

English for construction workers is a powerful tool for company owners. Because the construction industry is one of the largest employers of ESL employees (those who speak English as a Second Language). It also is among the top industries with the most work-related accidents. So what are construction companies doing to avoid these accidents? Well, for starters there are mandatory OSHA trainings, certifications and safety trainings that help minimize accidents at work. But can employers take any steps beyond what is required, to prepare for disaster relief projects?
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Corporate Language Classes: Concurrent Spanish and English

Corporate language classes can be customized to suit your individual business needs. By allowing your business leaders and decision makers to customize our curriculum, we ensure that you will see more improvement than you would with traditional corporate language classes. Many of which cannot be customized. Our approach centers your actual employees, who will begin at different levels of understanding, and learn at different paces. All the while, remaining focused on your specific business objectives. Customize our business language courses to suit your specific industry, or tailored to your employees specific role in your company. For example, our curriculum can be modified to highlight specific professional skills like business writing or public speaking. We have talked a lot of those customizations, but do you know about concurrent language courses?
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Workforce ESL Class & Getting FREE Employee Training In MA

Workforce ESL class is a tool that company owners and leaders can use to teach employees how to speak English as a Second Language (ESL) or how to improve. Most language training companies out there only offer standard English training, that is self-taught through a book or pre-recorded videos. And that is fine, but it most likely won't provide the return on investment you are looking for. Which is a good thing, because we aren't most companies. We believe every company, every associate and every industry have different needs when it comes to online language training courses. Some may need ESL employees to improve their writing skills for their marketing jobs, while others require ESL for construction workers that focuses on safety trainings. By providing fully a fully customized language training experience, we remain focused on your business objectives while centering the needs of your associates enrolled in the course. Whether that is through our professional skills programs or a corporate ESL course that is industry specific or something else you require. The best part? You might be able to offer employee ESL without spending company money...
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Online English Class For Resort & Casino Employees

Online English class for resort and casino employees is a wise investment for owners and decision makers. You probably already know that English is a universal language. And you most likely know that resorts and casinos attract people from around the globe. Especially in this post-Covid lockdown era, people are more anxious than ever to travel and it isn't hard to understand why. If we accept these statements as truth, it should be a requirement that your staff have some level of English comprehension. But how confident are you in your employees ability to speak and understand English in different situations?
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