Tag Archives: ESL associates

English Language Training Brings Thanksgiving To Your Office

English language training allows your ESL employees (who speak English as a Second Language) to connect with others in new and meaningful ways. For businesses that have a diverse workforce, encouraging camaraderie can be challenging. As a business owner or decision maker, you understand that effective communication is essential. But on a human level, you want those relationships to feel genuine. Certain industries like construction or warehousing for example, have a larger portion of their workforce speaking English as a Second Language. And while every industry faces issues with communication, we need to make sure that every employee is set up for success.
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Customized ESL And Mastering English- Halloween Style!

Customized ESL (English as a Second Language) can be anything you need it to be. We can focus your customized curriculum to highlight industry language training so that your employees are only learning the most relevant and job specific terminology. We can also highlight professional skills trainings like accent modification for customer service, or writing in English to improve proposals and contracts. The best part is that our customized English training for business remains people centered, business focused. Meaning that we work with you to develop a 100% customized ESL program that addresses your business needs, while centering your associates enrolled in our Business English course and their needs.
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English Training For Work Improves 3 Important Relationships

English training for work helps ESL associates (who speak English as a Second Language) communicate more effectively. But with language connections, it's so much more than that. Because we understand that better language skills creates confidence and thereby improves productivity. And confident, productive employees are more likely to build better relationships with their clients, coworkers and managers.
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Workplace ESL Means Professional Opportunities For Employees

Workplace ESL (English as a Second Language) with us at Language Connections isn't the typical, online English training experience. Most importantly, because our remote classes feature LIVE instruction from real teachers. Utilizing video chat technology, your ESL employees receive feedback in the moment like a traditional classroom experience from the comfort of their own homes. Most other companies just offer the same, pre-recorded lectures to every company because it's cheaper.
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