Tag Archives: ESL worker

Language Training And Its Positive Effect On Workplace Culture

Language training for companies doesn't have to be a "one-size fits all" experience, and we don't believe it should be, either. Offering decision makers a 100% customizable curriculum we can work with you to create an online English course for employees that is people centered, business focused. What do we mean by this? We will always center your people -the ones taking the course- by evaluating their current English comprehension levels, to deliver course material that is effective; which will produce timely and realistic improvements. While at the same time, remaining focused on your business goals and where you need your employees to be at the end of the course. Unlike your standard programs, our English courses for companies can be customized to fit your unique people and your unique needs. Maybe yours is a blue-collar construction business that needs to incorporate safety trainings into the English course, or perhaps it there is a white collar corporation that needs to provide diversity and inclusion trainings for associates traveling to overseas offices, or maybe you just need a few employees to really focus on pronunciation because their roles are customer facing. Whatever your current problems are, we have solutions that will work. When all of our courses are being taught by expert instructors  through instruction that is 100% LIVE through video conference technology  our approach to online learning is second to none.
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