Tag Archives: Industry specific language courses

Employee English Courses Should Be Your Company Resolution

Employee English courses should never be one size fits all. Every employee learns at a different pace, and requires a different approach when learning new information. Some retain information better when it is demonstrated and others need to write something out or explain it themselves to achieve understanding. There is neither a "right way" nor a "wrong way" there are just differences, and they are all valid. So when decision makers and leaders sit down to formulate new goals for their employees, it is important to have a good understanding of how they each learn. Especially when creating goals and development plans, leaders need to take their employees capabilities into consideration. Making sure that goals are attainable and that they have clear methods of tracking progress is essential. So as we move through the new year, what kinds of language training goals can you set for employees?
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Employee Accent Reduction Classes & 3 Benefits For Your Company

Employee accent reduction classes are an important part of the onboarding process for foreign-born and LEP (Limited English Proficient) employees. Learning a new skill, job or taking on a new responsibility can be challenging enough- especially in blue collar industries like construction or manufacturing- but doing so with a limited understanding of the language can make things overwhelming, and unsafe. Every day companies hire top talent from other countries, and bring on new employees who speak ESL (English as a Second Language) who don't have any problems being understood. It is in those other circumstances, when an incredibly talented individual is brought onto the team at work, but your employees have a hard time understanding and communicating with them because of a thick accent. What do you do in these moments? Whether your company is in a blue or white collar industry, ensuring your employees can communicate effectively is vitally important for the health and wellbeing of your employees and your business. When employees are having trouble understanding, when deliverables and timelines aren't met due to miscommunication, when instructions are misinterpreted... the quality of work declines, and can even threaten physical safety. The solution to these problems involves finding an employee accent reduction class that fits your needs; and considering these added benefits, you can't go wrong!
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