Tag Archives: Language training for employees

English Training For Tech Companies & 3 Reasons To Book Your FREE Demo

English training for tech companies is an especially useful resource that shouldn't be overlooked when creating a new employee onboarding experience. Many H.R (Human Resources) professionals seek a 360 approach when creating an employee training package, but often overlook the simplest, most rudimentary component: corporate English training. When compared to multi-national tech companies, this is a touch more understandable for those smaller, "mom-and-pop" businesses local to the United States. But when you stop to really think about it, even these smaller businesses would be wise to expand their new employee training plan- especially when the average company spends between $7,500 - $28,000 onboarding a single new associate. By expanding your onboarding training to include English training for ESL employees, you get higher quality employees  from a larger pool of candidates, and they receive training they will use for the rest of their lives even after they leave the position. Employees who receive this kind of comprehensive training are more likely to stay employed for a longer period of time; because their employer is financially invested in their development. The IT companies that recognize this end up saving money   year-over-year by actively lowering turnover rate. Not convinced yet? If you are an HR professional or company leader, here's 3 reasons to book your free demo today...
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Get FREE Online Employee Language Training In MA or NY & Get Paid?!

Yes, you read that title correctly, and no, we don't blame you for questioning it either. Online employee language training is an important resource that many companies have overlooked. To their credit it may not make as much sense, as it does for those in blue collar industries or that are multi-national; but every business owner should be aware of its existence. All businesses in blue collar industries- like construction or manufacturing- in particular should not only be aware that language training online exists, but that it works and can save thousands to millions of dollars. When a workforce operates with ESL (English as a Second Language) employees, there is a greater chance for misinterpretation. We aren't saying EVERY business faces this problem, but it is common enough for middle managers to warrant employee development plans. Especially for businesses in blue collar industries, where working with complex and heavy equipment is part of the job description, a simple miscommunication can have bigger, even life-threatening consequences for your company. Sure, an investing in online English courses costs money up front, but when you compare that cost against a an injury or wrongful death lawsuit because someone misunderstood instruction, you have to ask yourself... is the risk worth that cost? And to be clear, the risk of NOT investing is more than money- it's a gamble with your employees safety and lives.
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Industry Language Training Classes For Biotech Companies

Industry language training can make a world of difference in the success of a business- whether it be established or a start-up. When you hear "biotech companies" people often think about silicon valley and the latest cutting edge innovation that can change lives and improve health conditions. For an industry like Biotechnology- that seeks to understand and manipulate the building blocks of living things (like genetics, chemical engineering, micro and macro biology)- studies, experiments and their findings must be replicated internationally. For instance, if an engineer discovers a drug that helps reverse cancer, but their findings cannot be replicated is it really a breakthrough discovery? In addition, other countries need to be able to understand the research and findings to truly test the hypothesis, which requires language translation services. Even when conducting clinical trials, biotech engineering companies need to be aware that all participants may not speak the same language, and therefore have to make all communication (written and verbal) accessible to all. Establishing online English training programs for biotech companies and their new hires is a mutually beneficial investment for these companies and the employees they wish to extend language training to. But what does language training for biotech associates entail?
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