Tag Archives: language training

How To Get FREE English Training For Work In CA

English training for work benefits your company, your customers and your employees enrolled in the course. So if you don't know how to do it yourself, and you don't have to spend company time or money on it... why not take the opportunity?! If everyone can get what they want, and it's mutually beneficial for everyone, the only down side is that you didn't discover this sooner. And we understand you might be wary, because "nothing in life is ever free." Which still remains true. The training itself isn't free, it's just that you aren't using company budget to pay for it. Let us explain.
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3 Advantages Of Live-Stream Remote English Training

Remote English training might seem like it's all the same regardless of where you go. How different can one course be when compared against all the others? As it turns out, quite a lot can be unique. When you think about online English training, you might think of companies like DuoLingo or Rosetta Stone. And while these companies are popular for a reason, business owners should have specific objectives in mind for their initiatives. So when it comes to selecting English courses for employees, it only makes sense then to choose the language training company that can exceed those specific expectations. Here's 3 ways our English training courses are unique, and 3 advantages of choosing us for all your language training requirements. Here's 3 ways our English training courses are unique, and 3 advantages of choosing us for all your language training requirements.
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Workforce ESL Class & Getting FREE Employee Training In MA

Workforce ESL class is a tool that company owners and leaders can use to teach employees how to speak English as a Second Language (ESL) or how to improve. Most language training companies out there only offer standard English training, that is self-taught through a book or pre-recorded videos. And that is fine, but it most likely won't provide the return on investment you are looking for. Which is a good thing, because we aren't most companies. We believe every company, every associate and every industry have different needs when it comes to online language training courses. Some may need ESL employees to improve their writing skills for their marketing jobs, while others require ESL for construction workers that focuses on safety trainings. By providing fully a fully customized language training experience, we remain focused on your business objectives while centering the needs of your associates enrolled in the course. Whether that is through our professional skills programs or a corporate ESL course that is industry specific or something else you require. The best part? You might be able to offer employee ESL without spending company money...
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Online Employee English Training For The Service Industry

Online employee English training is great for your customers, your business, and your employees. For one thing it is convenient. All you need is stable wifi and your employees can attend the same course from different states- and even different countries. But more than the convenience, it is completely customizable to your needs. What sets us apart is that we encourage company owners and decision makers to customize our curriculum. Your employees can learn industry vocabulary, technical terms, and improve upon different aspects of the English language that would be most beneficial to you and your company. Sound too good to be true? Here's some practical ways that the service industry has benefitted from our corporate English courses:
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