Tag Archives: online employee language training

Online Corporate English Classes For The Agriculture Industry

Online corporate English classes are so beneficial for every company hiring workers who speak English as a Second Language (ESL) that they should honestly be obligatory. Aside from the clear barriers that a Limited English Proficiency (LEP) poses, like a decline in productivity and poor communication, it can also pose a very real threat to worker safety; which is often overlooked when business leaders and owners weigh the risks against rewards for offering corporate English classes to associates. Statistically, ESL workers are more likely to find employment in blue-collar industries like construction, agriculture and manufacturing that involve regularly operating heavy machinery, in loud and high-stress environments, and depending on the specific job can even demand technical work in collaboration with others. Business owners and decision makers are correct to hire ESL  workers- they bring a variety of skills and techniques that are an asset to American companies. But they are gambling with lives and health and threatening livelihoods by failing to incorporate online English courses into their onboarding programs. Corporations have a responsibility to their workforce and their loved ones to keep the workplace safe. And while some companies might get lucky, and never have an accident at work with their ESL workers... it only takes 1 time; 1 conversation where instructions were misunderstood. It is a gamble that business owners make- one way or another, whether conscious or not- when they opt out of corporate English courses for associates. Nothing is ever guaranteed in life, but being proactive with worker safety is a clear step towards minimizing risk. Here's some ways that online English classes can help businesses in the agricultural industry...
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English Training For Companies & Assessing Employee ESL Progress

English training for companies is not "one-size-fits-all" - or at least, it shouldn't be. Everyone learns at different paces, and begins learning with different levels of understanding. Some people haven't had any exposure at all, whereas others might have taken a course or two during school. Why then, should learning English be any different? Many of our competitors offer self-guided, online English courses and their customers believe employees will leave those classes meeting expectations. What makes us different is our approach to online learning: people centered, business focused. After completing an assessment of your employees, we centering your employees when designing a course for them, while remaining focused on your business objectives. No two courses are exactly the same just as no two people learn and absorb new information exactly the same. By providing 100% LIVE & remote webinar-style classes, we combine the conveniences of remote learning with all the benefits of a live teacher who can answer questions and provide correction in the moment. We provide expert instructors who have designed online ESL courses (English as a Second Language courses) that are unique and highly engaging so that your employees aren't bored with teaching themselves from a book or screen. So how do you manage expectations when it comes to English courses for companies? And how do you track your employees' progress?
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English Training For Tech Companies & 3 Reasons To Book Your FREE Demo

English training for tech companies is an especially useful resource that shouldn't be overlooked when creating a new employee onboarding experience. Many H.R (Human Resources) professionals seek a 360 approach when creating an employee training package, but often overlook the simplest, most rudimentary component: corporate English training. When compared to multi-national tech companies, this is a touch more understandable for those smaller, "mom-and-pop" businesses local to the United States. But when you stop to really think about it, even these smaller businesses would be wise to expand their new employee training plan- especially when the average company spends between $7,500 - $28,000 onboarding a single new associate. By expanding your onboarding training to include English training for ESL employees, you get higher quality employees  from a larger pool of candidates, and they receive training they will use for the rest of their lives even after they leave the position. Employees who receive this kind of comprehensive training are more likely to stay employed for a longer period of time; because their employer is financially invested in their development. The IT companies that recognize this end up saving money   year-over-year by actively lowering turnover rate. Not convinced yet? If you are an HR professional or company leader, here's 3 reasons to book your free demo today...
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