Tag Archives: online ESL courses

English For Construction Workers – Before Disaster Strikes

English for construction workers is a powerful tool for company owners. Because the construction industry is one of the largest employers of ESL employees (those who speak English as a Second Language). It also is among the top industries with the most work-related accidents. So what are construction companies doing to avoid these accidents? Well, for starters there are mandatory OSHA trainings, certifications and safety trainings that help minimize accidents at work. But can employers take any steps beyond what is required, to prepare for disaster relief projects?
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Corporate Language Training & Customized ESL For Farmers

Corporate language training classes may not come to mind when you first think of onboarding employees... but they should! Whether you are a business owner or decision maker, our corporate English training programs can be tailored to fit all of your requirements. For instance, worker English training for farmers could be utilized to teach ESL workers (who speak English as a Second Language) how to operate farm equipment safely. Whereas other online ESL courses might need to be customized to train farmers market employees in customer service. That's the great thing about customized ESL - it can be anything your company and employees need it to be. Our expert instructors have real life expertise required to get your ESL employees where you need them to be. Because our online language training courses are people centered, and business focused. By centering your real employees in our approach, we ensure that the curriculum is delivered at their level of understanding, and continues at their pace. Why? Because true understanding takes time and patience. All this is going on while remaining focused on your individual business objectives. A corporate English course should never be a "one-size-fits-all" curriculea. Here's 3 ways farmers are customizing theirs...
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Worker English Training For Farmers & Agriculture Industry

Worker English training that is specific to your farming business might seem like a dream come true. But we can assure you, it's not. By allowing business owners and decision makers to customize our curriculum however you see fit we provide you with a product that will meet - or ideally- exceed, your expectations. Our English language training programs offer flexible language learning solutions to help your employees succeed and thrive. By tailoring our courses to your specific industry, our corporate language training is specific and delivers timely solutions to your individual needs. The farming and agriculture industries in particular have a revolving cycle of workers, who tend to work seasonal positions, while attracting migrant workers. With such a robust cycle of employment, hiring managers and farm owners need to have reliable communication. Especially when operating heavy machinery. Online English classes are specific, in that they teach what you need to be taught. We don't waste time teaching useless phrases and vocabulary that will never get applied in real life. Call us crazy, but we don't think that is the best use of time, effort or money. Instead, we meet with you to determine what your goals are. Then, we evaluate your employees who will actually be learning. It is only then that we create a customized English course specific to your industry and goals that are realistic for your employees. Online ESL courses like ours focus on the vocabulary you want and need to be taught. Here's some examples:
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3 Reasons A Corporate English Language Course For Hotel Staff Is Vital

A corporate English language course for hotel staff doesn't have to be a one-size-fits-all experience like many language training companies offer. On the contrary, we believe that learning English should be as unique as the people taking them. By allowing decision makers freedom to customize our curriculum, we teach your employees how to speak English by taking a people centered business focused approach to corporate English courses. We're sure you are reading this thinking "that sounds great, but what the heck does it mean?!" We understand that every person is different in how they process and understand new information. We also understand that every employee you enroll in corporate English classes is coming into class with different levels of English proficiency. Some of your associates could have absolutely zero exposure to learning English, and others might have taken some English courses at some point in high school but haven't used it since. Whatever your individual needs might be, we will work with you to develop English courses for employees that meet them at their individual levels, while catering to your specific business objectives. Workforce language training can truly be whatever you need it to be... this can look like online language courses that highlight safety trainings and protocol, or maybe you need online ESL courses that make a concerted emphasis on pronunciation for your bellhop and customer-facing staffs. Our expert instructors will work with you every step of the way, to ensure that your English courses for companies set up your employees to meet and exceed realistic goals in a timely manner. For companies that work in the hospitality industry like hotels and resorts, ensuring the best experience for your guests is a top priority.
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