
Cultural Competence Skills Training for Healthcare Workers

Cultural competence skills training is an essential investment for every company; whether multinational or domestic. Our cross cultural training program is designed to create awareness, and build sensitivity where a mutual understanding doesn't exist. To put it another way: our cultural sensitivity training program will give your associates an understanding of different countries or cultures they will be exposed to, by providing appropriate ways of addressing these differences in professional settings. Whether you are from the United States, China or Ethiopia- foreigners usually have a knack for sticking out among locals. And sticking out shouldn't be a bad thing, but when it is- it's usually due to someone else's unfortunate reaction that makes sticking out a bad thing. 
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English Training for Associates & The Importance Of Skills Training

English training for associates improves their grasp on the language, and all the soft skills required for effective communication. Among some of these soft skills are things like: negotiation, active listening, comprehension, and dictation which can all be incorporated into employee English lessons. English training for associates is a tool that decision makers and business owners can customize to fit their business objectives, while accommodating individual learning styles and levels of the associates actually taking the class. By giving leaders 100% customization of our curriculum- whether that requires industry specific English training or hosting our English classes onsite at your business location- we are putting you in the drivers' seat. Why do we do this? Because our success depends on how successful your associates are. A successful English language training course for companies cannot be one size fits all; there are too many industries and even within the same industry, there are different skills one company identifies that a competitor already succeeds in. We call this approach people centered (because your associates needs and learning styles are important to identify) and business focused; allowing us to meet your people where they are at and deliver the results you need to see. Corporate English language training looks different for construction workers than it does for white collar businesses but we still offer flexibility in class location. So whether your company requires onsite English training (because associates need to learn safety instructions for big machinery) or prefers online English training through our LIVE webinar portal- all of our classes are taught by expert instructors.
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Employee English Lessons To Improve Negotiation Skills In Business

Employee English lessons can be used for a number of different purposes. Of course, the primary reason is to improve your employees' English proficiency, but you can also improve their negotiation skills as a result. In an industry like construction, knowing how to negotiate is essential; not only for coworker conflict resolution but for developing and maintaining healthy client relationships as well. For business owners, investing in English language training programs for ESL workers is as much about your business or brand, as it is about the employees who represent it. You can have the best product in the world, but it won't matter if your brand becomes synonymous with poor customer service. Language training online can be a very useful tool for business owners and decision makers in any industry; regardless of whether you work in a blue or a white collar industry. By putting you in the drivers seat, we can provide a 100% customizable learning experience for your employees. Blue collar industries like manufacturing and construction prefer to host onsite English classes to incorporate a highly specific set of vocabulary and safety trainings, that are better understood in a typical working environment with heavy machinery. Other decision makers find it better to host online corporate English classes through our easy-to-navigate web portal, where your employees learn from experienced instructors in real time, through a LIVE webinar classroom portal. 
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Customized Corporate English Class, Cross Cultural Training & Business

Corporate English class can be so much more than having us provide English training for ESL employees. All of our classes- whether it be language training online or onsite business English classes- can be customized to meet all your needs. Whether you have 20 employees who need language training for construction jobs, or 10 office employees who require cross cultural training we can provide solutions for many problems your business might have. And while 2 businesses might have the same problem, they might be in different industries or maybe the employees need a more advanced online English training program than the other. Understanding that learning English is not one-size-fits-all for companies or their employees, we don't have a standardized syllabus for every class. Using a people-centered, business focused approach allows us to deliver real results by centering your employees & meeting them at their level- while remaining focused on your business objectives and goals.
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