Tag Archives: business English

Associate English Training Could Be Free For IL Businesses

Associate English training is a fantastic opportunity for your employees, and your business! And if your business is located in Illinois (IL) state, it could even be free. And by "free" we mean your company wouldn't have to pay for it. Like everything in life, the training comes with a cost, but you could use publicly available funding to finance it. How's that for business savvy?!
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ESL Workforce & How Businesses Get FREE English Class In NH

Your ESL workforce - that speaks English as a Second Language- has a lot to offer. Bringing a wide range of skills, perspectives and new approaches; your ESL workforce is able to contribute much to your business that you may not realize. But what happens when you need them to improve their English proficiency? When training costs a lot of time, money & other resources, decision makers must face a choice. Does the cost of onboarding outweigh the cost of providing adequate training? The answers may vary, and we encourage you to continue reading and come to your own conclusion...
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English Class For Companies & Evaluating For Bilingual Positions

English class for companies is a worthwhile investment to make prior to filling bilingual positions. Decision makers and leaders should know how to evaluate language skills properly, before hiring bilingual candidates. Especially when the job prefers bilingual candidates. This seems like a no-brainer, but how can you have assurance in a candidates language proficiency if the hiring manager isn't also bilingual? What if your business is expanding into new markets, and no one in your company is proficient in that target language?
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English Courses For Employees Aren’t Enough

English courses for employees aren't enough to become fluent in English- they are only the beginning. For ESL employees (those who speak English as a Second Language) becoming fluent in English as a Second Language (ESL) is a long process. Especially for someone with zero previous exposure to English, it is unreasonable for business leaders to expect fluency in English after only a few weeks of class. As with everything else business related, when considering English courses for companies it's important for decision makers to set goals that are within a reasonable achievement for employees; and this starts by developing goals with us that are based upon your employees current understanding of English before class even starts. Knowing where your employees are starting from, positions them to succeed and exceed expectations, while allowing us to deliver results in a timely manner. Companies that choose us to provide corporate language classes for their employees, understand that investing money in associates and their development is ultimately an investment in your company itself. When coworkers can understand each other, and communicate effectively the quality of their work increases, their confidence improves, they bring new ideas and creativity to projects, they become more efficient, reliable and their ability to meet and exceed expectations increase. These are just a few notable advantages that companies experience on their end. When you consider the benefits your customers or clients experience on their end- when they can communicate and receive what they were expecting to be delivered- decision makers have to ask themselves "can we afford the associated risks of NOT providing English training for companies?" You're probably asking yourself "If your online English courses are so great, why aren't they enough? I don't understand."
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