Tag Archives: corporate ESL training

English Class For Companies & Evaluating For Bilingual Positions

English class for companies is a worthwhile investment to make prior to filling bilingual positions. Decision makers and leaders should know how to evaluate language skills properly, before hiring bilingual candidates. Especially when the job prefers bilingual candidates. This seems like a no-brainer, but how can you have assurance in a candidates language proficiency if the hiring manager isn't also bilingual? What if your business is expanding into new markets, and no one in your company is proficient in that target language?
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3 Ways To Enhance Corporate ESL Training

Corporate ESL (English as a Second Language) training is always evolving. When making the decision to provide English language training for your employees, it's important to consider what their needs and your business goals are. All of our on-site and online language training courses are entirely customizable to meet your objectives while meeting each employee where they are at- people centered, business focused. Deciding which business language training course is right for you, and whether your employees will learn online or on-site are essential choices to make before enrolling. From there, our expertise will evaluate your employees' language needs and provide you with regular progress reports along the way to ensure success. Throughout the years, corporate language training is becoming more prominent as more businesses expand to new markets and hire more foreign nations who speak English as a Second Language (ESL). Ensuring success is dependent upon many factors, but when it comes to learning ESL there are some things you can do to reinforce learning for better outcomes.
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Are Online Language Classes Like Apps?

Are Online Language Classes Like Apps?

Language learning apps like Duolingo and Babbel boast millions of users and have grown considerably in popularity. Every ad sings of success stories and a great curriculum, but just how professional and applicable are these programs? In contrast to online language apps, online language classes make professionalism and applicability a...
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3 Things to Know in Order to Get Ahead During Online ESL Training

Why You Need Online ESL Training

English is gaining popularity as the predominate language of the international workforce. Speaking and writing English is an important skill to have for both global and domestic offices. Encouraging your employees to communicate in the same language through language courses for companies is beneficial to their safety, morale, and confidence.  Read more