Tag Archives: employee ESL

English Training for Associates & The Importance Of Skills Training

English training for associates improves their grasp on the language, and all the soft skills required for effective communication. Among some of these soft skills are things like: negotiation, active listening, comprehension, and dictation which can all be incorporated into employee English lessons. English training for associates is a tool that decision makers and business owners can customize to fit their business objectives, while accommodating individual learning styles and levels of the associates actually taking the class. By giving leaders 100% customization of our curriculum- whether that requires industry specific English training or hosting our English classes onsite at your business location- we are putting you in the drivers' seat. Why do we do this? Because our success depends on how successful your associates are. A successful English language training course for companies cannot be one size fits all; there are too many industries and even within the same industry, there are different skills one company identifies that a competitor already succeeds in. We call this approach people centered (because your associates needs and learning styles are important to identify) and business focused; allowing us to meet your people where they are at and deliver the results you need to see. Corporate English language training looks different for construction workers than it does for white collar businesses but we still offer flexibility in class location. So whether your company requires onsite English training (because associates need to learn safety instructions for big machinery) or prefers online English training through our LIVE webinar portal- all of our classes are taught by expert instructors.
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Workforce English Training for Manufacturers Is Essential In 3 States

Workforce English training is an important element of onboarding that business owners should not overlook. When approximately 67% of the U.S manufacturing workforce speaks Spanish as a primary or secondary language; deciding whether or not to offer workforce English training should be an easy one. This is an industry where working with heavy machinery, and operating dangerous equipment is a requirement for the job. If your workers have a hard time understanding you and vice versa misunderstandings become more frequent, and accidents start happening at work. In 2020 OSHA stated that language barriers are a factor in 25% of all workplace accidents. If factory owners could avoid even 10% of accidents by providing language training for workers hundreds of millions of dollars could be spent somewhere other than paying off lawsuits and what workers comp requires. But who are these workers, and where are they working? How can English training for companies help everyone in your factory?
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Why Group English Classes Are Needed for Utah’s Manufacturing Boom

In the last 5 years, residents of Utah and other South Western states have experienced a large manufacturing boom. The emergence of these large manufacturing companies in industries like tech, construction, medical equipment and more, have made manufacturing one of the most diverse workforces in the United States. Working in these plants requires a lot of stamina and often requires operating heavy machinery that puts people in regular, dangerous situations to complete their day's work. And by employing millions of people who speak English as a Second Language (ESL) and those who are Limited English Proficient (LEP) many manufacturing workers may require a 360 approach to onboarding. For the CEOs of these companies, it is in their best interest to provide workers with training that is comprehensive enough to avoid these kinds of accidents that can bankrupt companies and destroy their workers lives forever.
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ESL Employees & 4 Ways to Support Them At Work

ESL Employees or those who speak English as a Second Language are usually foreign born but make up a significant portion of the United States workforce. The less language training employees receive, the more likely it is for there to be misunderstandings. Depending on the industry, miscommunication can result in wasted time at best, and injury or even death at worst for those in construction or manual labor intensive fields.  Online corporate language training can help employers and employees find solutions to make communication more effective and work more productive. Our classes offer 100% customizable language training that can be tailored to fit the needs of all of your ESL employees while remaining focused on achieving your business objectives. Whether you are looking to enhance professional skills like giving a presentation, or are looking for industry specific language training for your construction employees, we provide real language training solutions for real businesses. Our online language training courses are unique, taught by real instructors through video conferencing technology so your ESL employees receive in-person lessons from expert instructors with all the convenience of remote learning.
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