Tag Archives: Language courses for companies

Corporate ESL Courses Keep Hospitals Safe

Corporate ESL courses do a lot more than teach English. At least ours do- we can't speak for the other ones. You know, the pre-recorded. ones. And they all have a million videos that go too fast and too slow all at the same time. That's something that sets us apart from the competition. All of our remote courses are taught 100% LIVE ✅ through video-chat webinars. Meaning your employees receive all the convenience of remote learning, AND all the benefits of a traditional classroom experience. Why do we do this? Because we believe the best learning happens in real time✅; not through a book or on your own. As hospital owners and decision makers, ensuring the safety of your patients and workers is a top priority... At least we hope so. When it's time to think about workplace safety, we tend to think in terms of practicality. Surgeons wash their hands before procedures. Doctors wear masks and scrub in. We ensure all surfaces and tools are sterilized and prepared. There are procedures and protocols to follow for all of this... because ensuring safety is a priority. So then how are corporate ESL courses (that teach English as a Second Language) keeping hospitals safe as well?
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Employee English Courses Should Be Your Company Resolution

Employee English courses should never be one size fits all. Every employee learns at a different pace, and requires a different approach when learning new information. Some retain information better when it is demonstrated and others need to write something out or explain it themselves to achieve understanding. There is neither a "right way" nor a "wrong way" there are just differences, and they are all valid. So when decision makers and leaders sit down to formulate new goals for their employees, it is important to have a good understanding of how they each learn. Especially when creating goals and development plans, leaders need to take their employees capabilities into consideration. Making sure that goals are attainable and that they have clear methods of tracking progress is essential. So as we move through the new year, what kinds of language training goals can you set for employees?
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Online English Class For Resort & Casino Employees

Online English class for resort and casino employees is a wise investment for owners and decision makers. You probably already know that English is a universal language. And you most likely know that resorts and casinos attract people from around the globe. Especially in this post-Covid lockdown era, people are more anxious than ever to travel and it isn't hard to understand why. If we accept these statements as truth, it should be a requirement that your staff have some level of English comprehension. But how confident are you in your employees ability to speak and understand English in different situations?
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Our Online English Course Helps Employees Around The Holidays

When you choose us for corporate language classes, we evaluate each person and their level of understanding the English language. We then create a customized curriculum based on your business needs✅ and where you want them to be at the end of class, by creating realistic goals for them. For instance, if someone is in class and has zero previous exposure to the English language - it would be unrealistic to expect that person to write a college-level essay at the end of class. By setting goals that are realistic for your employees and your company, our English courses for companies will exceed expectations in a timely manner. Our language courses for companies are even customizable to your personal industry- like construction or manufacturing for example - where we are able to center the curriculum around your employees' real life jobs and skills. But how do our corporate language courses help them during the holiday season?
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