Tag Archives: Online language training for businesses

Our Online English Course Helps Employees Around The Holidays

When you choose us for corporate language classes, we evaluate each person and their level of understanding the English language. We then create a customized curriculum based on your business needs✅ and where you want them to be at the end of class, by creating realistic goals for them. For instance, if someone is in class and has zero previous exposure to the English language - it would be unrealistic to expect that person to write a college-level essay at the end of class. By setting goals that are realistic for your employees and your company, our English courses for companies will exceed expectations in a timely manner. Our language courses for companies are even customizable to your personal industry- like construction or manufacturing for example - where we are able to center the curriculum around your employees' real life jobs and skills. But how do our corporate language courses help them during the holiday season?
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3 Reasons A Corporate English Language Course For Hotel Staff Is Vital

A corporate English language course for hotel staff doesn't have to be a one-size-fits-all experience like many language training companies offer. On the contrary, we believe that learning English should be as unique as the people taking them. By allowing decision makers freedom to customize our curriculum, we teach your employees how to speak English by taking a people centered business focused approach to corporate English courses. We're sure you are reading this thinking "that sounds great, but what the heck does it mean?!" We understand that every person is different in how they process and understand new information. We also understand that every employee you enroll in corporate English classes is coming into class with different levels of English proficiency. Some of your associates could have absolutely zero exposure to learning English, and others might have taken some English courses at some point in high school but haven't used it since. Whatever your individual needs might be, we will work with you to develop English courses for employees that meet them at their individual levels, while catering to your specific business objectives. Workforce language training can truly be whatever you need it to be... this can look like online language courses that highlight safety trainings and protocol, or maybe you need online ESL courses that make a concerted emphasis on pronunciation for your bellhop and customer-facing staffs. Our expert instructors will work with you every step of the way, to ensure that your English courses for companies set up your employees to meet and exceed realistic goals in a timely manner. For companies that work in the hospitality industry like hotels and resorts, ensuring the best experience for your guests is a top priority.
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Online Language Courses Can Teach Employees Listening Comprehension

Online language courses can be anything you need them to be. Whether it's teaching employee ESL (English as a Second Language) or a professional skill like listening comprehension, or a combination of both - our expert instructors  will work to find a people centered, business focused  solution that actually works. When you notice your employees struggling but don't know how to help- that's where we step in. By centering them in their journey to learn English, we are able to meet them where they are and develop their English language skills to an improved level that you need them to reach. With remote classes that are 100% LIVE our courses are convenient, yet personable and made possible through our video webinar technology  that isn't available with similar competitor classes. By offering business leaders and owners the freedom to customize our curriculum , we will work to evaluate your employees to improve their English communication skills so that their job performance and your business see a marked improvement in relation to realistic goals that we work to develop with you. Corporate English courses that emphasize professional skills trainings like listening comprehension, associate ESL for those struggling with pronunciation, or professional English grammar are just as common as industry specific English training that are centered around communicating for work in specific fields like manufacturing, construction and tech for example. With online language training for businesses the possibilities are truly endless regarding what we can do for you and your associates. One of the biggest challenges with English courses for companies is learning how to set and manage realistic expectations while addressing concerns, and improving communication skills. Here is an example how we can improve listening comprehension with associates...
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English Courses For Companies And How To Set Expectations

English courses for companies can be as specific or as broad as you need them to be. Our approach to online corporate English courses incorporates your business goals and objectives into the curriculum to provide a truly customized learning experience for your employees. The reason? Not everyone learns at the same pace, and some people in class might have previously studied English at some point in the past, and therefore have a leg-up on their coworkers. Everyone approaches learning differently, which is why we take a people centered, business focused  approach with our corporate ESL (English as a Second Language) classes. By centering your employees, who will actually be learning in our corporate English courses, they are more likely to retain the information as it is relevant to their real-life jobs because the English they learn is business focused. Taught by expert instructors, our English courses for employees are remote and 100% LIVE with real time instruction to provide the most convenient and successful online learning experience possible. So what kind of expectations do you need to set with your employees before class begins? And how long will it take for them to become fluent in English?
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