When hearing a phrase like "company values" we tend to picture a stereotypical white collar, corporate office somewhere in a big city that offers employees pizza parties and beer instead of regular raises. In this day and age, these companies are as common as smartphones- they just seem to be everywhere. And just like the majority of people today have a smartphone, A LOT of people are employed by this type of "cookie-cutter" company. It is without doubt that these companies can benefit from diversity and inclusion training but that is a post for another day. As recently as February, 2022 the Massachusetts Division of Capital Asset Management and Maintainence was audited and found to be negligent in their responsibility to oversee and enforce state diversity quotas on public construction projects. According to state guidelines, every construction contract should include at least 15.3% of total construction project hours to be performed by minority workers, and 6.9% by female workers. The audit of 127 construction construction contracts discovered that 95% did not meet the female participation goal and 61% did not have any hours completed by women. Findings revealed that 64% of the 127 contracts did not meet minority goals, and 28% did not have any hours completed by minorities. As construction hires millions of foreign born employees every year, it is no surprise that the industry has the demand for this type of training.
But how can diversity and inclusion training for construction help define company values?
First and foremost, companies cannot just say they care about workers. Especially for construction companies, they have to "put their money where their mouth is" and prove it by clearly defining diversity and inclusion goals and values with the acronym C.A.R.E:
COMMIT to Diversity
Committing to diversity in construction must go further than clearly defining diversity quotas and meeting them. Creating a diversity goal by hiring 10 minority workers and 5 female workers by the end of the year and sticking to it is absolutely an important piece of the puzzle. But truly committing to diversity provides career enrichment elements like English training for construction workers. Providing foreign workers an opportunity to learn English is as much about career enrichment as it is about safety. With online and on-site ESL classes employers can customize our curriculum✅ to fit every specific need you have.
ATTRACT new & more diverse talent
Feeling safe at work involves more than knowing safety procedures and how to operate heavy machinery. Our 12-hour, 3-week diversity in construction course has been designed by experts to center your business objectives✅ while addressing micro behaviors and how to identify them, sexual orientation, managing diversity, countering unconscious bias and more. By creating a safe working environment, free of harassment, hazing and bullying more workers will be drawn to your company and want to work for you.
RETAIN top tier talent with diversity and inclusion training
Workers who don't feel safe, seen or heard are likely to quit at best or at worst, file a lawsuit that can cost your company hundreds thousands of dollars. Our diversity and inclusion course will help associates and leadership navigate potential issues by developing strategies to handle and overcome them if and when they arise. In the event, employees will have confidence in your leadership and therefore more motivated to continue with your company. The average cost of onboarding new employees is $4,100 in the United States. By offering training to every new hire companies are ensuring their onboarding investment is spent wisely because their employees are less likely to quit over workplace issues.
EMPOWER workers
Diversity and inclusion training empowers workers to resolve workplace issues in a way that you condone as their employer. Setting expectations with your workers, ensuring they know what behavior is tolerated and is not is a crucial element to empowering them. Workers who feel supported in these potential moments at work improve their professional skills like communication, leadership and more.
Online training classes for construction companies allows employers to take our curriculum and tailor it to every business need. Our online curriculum is taught by professionals via LIVE video conference technology✅ as well as our onsite program. English language training is also offered on-site and can be tailored to any industry. Group English classes is a great resource to use when you want to improve upon or teach employees a new skill. Whether that involves teaching one or a few employees English for warehousing workers, or professional skills training like leadership training- we have the solutions to fit all of your needs. Our highly engaging In-Person English Training for employeesand interactive Corporate English classes online with live native-speaking teachers are easy to access from wherever you are. We offer Real-Time Private and Group Corporate English Training. Get a Free Quote for your Industry Specific Onsite or Online English Classes for Companies.
For more information contact our Language Training Department:
Phone: (617) 731-3700
Email: training@languageconnections.com